And just like that...I am different person.

Strong_stuff Member Posts: 8 Member
edited May 2023 in Prostate Cancer #1

I am, 55. My diagnosis for PC, was on November 28, 2022. PSA, a 7..My MRI, was a Pirad 5, My Gleason a 7. The Urologist recommend surgery, He said, because of my age. I had surgery on March 6, 2023..Three days after my Birthday. The leaks began after the catheter removal on March 13, 2023. I recently discovered My C, was statistical and not from my late Father and or Grandfather, whom both, had radical surgery decades earlier. ..I am taking one day at a time. I am a living human being.

From, Southern California.

Talk to people, about it, it helps a lot..



  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,554 Member

    Thanks for posting.

    You made your decision. Let's hope it will turn out well. Recovery will take time, but I am sure your urologist told you that already.

    Future PSA tests will tell whether further treatment will be necessary.

  • Strong_stuff
    Strong_stuff Member Posts: 8 Member

    The Urologist, may have recommended surgery, after my diagnosis. ..But my decision, for surgery was clear to me, immediately after the Midevil, Painful October 2023.

  • Strong_stuff
    Strong_stuff Member Posts: 8 Member

    Correction: October 2022..

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member

    My Gleason score was 4+3 =7. RP March 2018. Age at time of RP 67. Age now 72. Current PSA : .04 ng/ml. I have considered myself in remission for the last 4 or so years now. Good luck on your journey

  • Strong_stuff
    Strong_stuff Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thank you, so much Lighterwood67, for you kind words. However, Correction on my part. My PSA post surgery, was: 9.5. Again, Thank you.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,554 Member

    Is this correct; post surgery PSA of 9.5 ng/ml ???

  • Strong_stuff
    Strong_stuff Member Posts: 8 Member

    Yes, That is correct.

  • johncars
    johncars Member Posts: 7 Member

    I'm in a very similar place as you!

    I'm 58 otherwise very healthy. my psa was 24 Gleason score 7 (4+3) had RP 4/21/23

    now dealing with the after affects of continence, E.D. , and struggling with the emotional aspects most of all! wish you the best on your road to recovery

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,554 Member

    The post-surgery PSA of Strong stuff was 9.5 ng/ml, which is quite alarming. I hope yours is (a lot) lower.

  • johncars
    johncars Member Posts: 7 Member

    Yes I saw the elevated Psa` of Strong Stuff. I’m hoping mine is at or near zero! My Dr. is not even testing me until 3 months post op! ( I hope this is normal? I did not question him on it. But I thought he might have said something in the past about there being residual Psa` shortly after surgery? I bet they did his early then will re check to see if it goes down?

  • Strong_stuff
    Strong_stuff Member Posts: 8 Member


    Thank you, for your kind words. I was PSA tested a few times prior to surgery. The rountine PSA, testing for me, Post-op, has started. I too, am hoping for lower numbers. I have a great team of Doctors.

    Good luck, on your Journey, johncars

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,554 Member

    Yes, your doctor is correct; there's no use to test PSA immediately after surgery.

    According to WebMD it's common to wait 1-3 months for the initial test after surgery:

    PSA Level After Prostatectomy: What Does Your Number Mean? (

  • johncars
    johncars Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thank you strong stuff and old salt

    im new to all this! I appreciate people experiencing the same issues that I am experiencing currently.

    Old Salt thank you for confirming it’s not unreasonable to wait for a base line Psa`. You seem to have a great knowledge!

    Strong stuff , I know we are in similar situations currently... I hope we both do very well

    i went into surgery with a fairly positive outlook thinking I’d be ok with the side effects

    . I had some issues with bleeding after surgery and had an extra day in hospital ( blood transfusion, icu, and best of all was catheter traction to slow the bleeding! That was all before catheter ballon popped! ). I’m feeling pretty good now and ready to try moving on with life

    i was prepared for surgery etc but did not expect the emotional affects I’m experiencing! They do expect I’ll have good continence recovery but They were not able to spare all the nerves. So Erectile function is likely worse than I was prepared for four days after surgery I went to have my drain removed , nurse practitioner was so kind to say “your Erections are done, we removed your manhood” I don’t know why I’m depressed...?

  • Strong_stuff
    Strong_stuff Member Posts: 8 Member


    I am sorry to hear your experiences, after surgery, But, I am glad to know you are doing much better. I too, stayed in the hospital, the day after. The pain. ..I am not a Doctor, nor a Scientist. I understood my surgery was lifesaving, And knowing that, I allow myself to have ups and downs, anxiety..even moments of grief. This, Second half of my life, is different now. I just have to ketch up..

    Pacrastination seems to dissappear...

    Best wishes,

  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 474 Member

    I hope that the Nurse Practitioner is no longer employed.

    In reality, your life may be changed forever going forward, but you are still alive, and as such, your life going forward will be what you make it to be. Make it a good one.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,554 Member

     nurse practitioner was so kind to say “your Erections are done, we removed your manhood”

    What the NP said isn't correct!

  • johncars
    johncars Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thank you I’m doing my best to come to grips with this new life!

    as for the NP I never told my Dr or did anything to impact her employment however my wife is a NP for the same health system in a different health area it was all I could do to keep her contained! My wife had some strong expletives! Even if it’s true I’ll never achieve an erection her choice of wording, timing and unprofessional lack of care was very bad!

  • johncars
    johncars Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thank you Old Salt , could be true but that does not make it correct! I’ll be sure to make my Dr aware of that discussion when I see Him again!

  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member

    Personally, I focused on the task at hand. Prior to surgery I was well aware of the side effects. I was focused on putting the cancer into remission. I chose RP as my treatment plan. I overcame the side effects and consider myself fortunate to find a great hospital and surgeon. As far as what the NP told you, if my Daddy was alive, he would have told her/him, “You don’t know your butt from a hole in the ground.” Anyway, good luck on your journey. There is and always will be more to us than just us.

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 20 Member

    I am right there with you. I had my surgery on Feb 6th. Keep doing your exercises, I'm still doing them but leakage has gotten somewhat better. They started the Pelvic Floor Stim. This has helped somewhat after just 2 times. But in due time things will get better. #GGMB