Trace blood in urine

Lisa 1102
Lisa 1102 Member Posts: 17 Member
edited May 2023 in Kidney Cancer #1

I was diagnosed with RCC, clear cell type, stage 1a, grade 3, in October, 2020, in my right kidney. My only symptom at the time was trace blood in my urine. I had a robotic partial nephrectomy and my CT scans since surgery have shown no evidence of disease. My last CT scan was in April, 2022 and at that time my urologic oncologist scheduled my next CT scan for April 25, 2023. I had a urinalysis yesterday (April 17) which showed trace blood in my urine, the same symptom which lead to the discovery of the kidney cancer. My only other urinalysis was 3 weeks post surgery. There was trace blood in my urine at that time which was attributed to the surgery.

I am a 66 year old female and am otherwise in good health and feel fine. I know next week’s CT scan will show if the cancer has recurred, but I was wondering if anyone else had experienced trace blood after a partial nephrectomy. Just trying not to freak out for the next week. I have a telemedicine appointment with my doctor later on April 25.

Thank you!


  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    I had a full nephrectomy, not a partial, in September of 2018. I've noticed a trace of blood in various urinalysis reports since then, but none of my doctors have mentioned it. That leads me to the conclusion that the trace is a very tiny amount, normal, and not anything to worry about.

  • Lisa 1102
    Lisa 1102 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Thank you. I know the CT scan and my surgeon will answer my questions next week. I’m just trying to stay positive until then. Thanks, again!

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member

    Hi Lisa. I also had microscopic blood in my urine prior to my partial. However, unlike you, I had about 2-1/2 years between when my 17mm lesion was found and surgery. During that time, I got two annual physicals and no blood showed up in the urinalysis. I took the results to my urologic oncologist and asked him about it. He said that urinary blood comes as a result of a lot of different things, not just cancer. In my case, I was a runner and pounding on either pavement (good weather) or a treadmill (rain) can cause trace blood. He said most of the conditions for urinary blood, particularly trace amounts that can’t be seen, are benign.

  • Lisa 1102
    Lisa 1102 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Thank you for this. I am an avid walker but rarely jog or run and resort to the treadmill during the cold and/or rain. Since I’m not a runner, I’ve always discontented the walking as a source for the trace blood in my urine. My oncologist told me 60% of healthy people have trace blood in their urine but I developed it 18 months before my diagnosis and have always associated it with my RCC. My oncologist has not checked my urine because I have had regular CT scans since my surgery. I was hoping that there would be no blood in my urine since I am 2.5 years post surgery so the trace amount was a worrisome finding. Thank you for your input and reassurance. Folks on this discussion board are wonderful.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member


    did you have your CT scan done? What are the results?

  • Lisa 1102
    Lisa 1102 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Hi, thanks so much asking. I had an abdominal CT scan on April 25, 2023 and my urologic oncologist told me that my scan looked “great”. I asked him about the persistent trace blood in my urine and he said that it might be unrelated to my kidney cancer. This seems odd to me given that that symptom was what led to my kidney ultrasound which showed the cancer. Maybe it’s one of those medical mysteries?! I will have an abdominal CT scan next April (2024) and he may order a CT urogram at some point as well as another cystoscopy (which I had at the time of my initial diagnosis). For now, I am just relieved to be NED.

    Thanks again for asking!

  • malafleur
    malafleur Member Posts: 2 Member

    I had the same initial symptom (12/22) blood observed in urine. First blood and urine tests, the urine test included a microscopic eval of cells in urine that revealed abnormal cells. Next a Uro CT scan with contrast. CT scan found a 1 x 2 CM mass in right renal pelvis. Urologist scheduled biopsy procedure, admitted 1/23 for procedure. Early February 2023 pathology complete. Non Evasive low grade papillary urothelial carcinoma. Pathology 2nd opinion from John Hopkins Reference Laboratories confirmed. Options reviewed and decided on kidney removal using laparoscopic robo assist. Removal surgery late April 2023, no complications. Only one night at hospital. Still healing up. Pathology on kidney, lymph nodes and ureter all negative (good). Follow up CT scans and X-rays in three months.

  • Lisa 1102
    Lisa 1102 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Glad you are doing well. Does this mean that you had bladder cancer? I am not familiar with urothelial cancer. It sounds like you had your kidney removed but it was not renal cell carcinoma. I’m very happy the pathology was negative. I hope your recovery is uneventful and your CT scans turn out great.

  • malafleur
    malafleur Member Posts: 2 Member

    No bladder cancer. Urothelial cancer of the kidney is only 5-7 percent of kidney cancers. My cancer was in the kidneys renal pelvis, a tubular type structure that empties into the ureter and is made up of urothelial cells. Bladder is made up of same type of urothelial cells.

  • Lisa 1102
    Lisa 1102 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Thanks for explaining that and glad you are doing well!