Seeking treatment near Syracuse.

brad2dabone Member Posts: 1 *
edited April 2023 in Bladder Cancer #1

Hello from DeRuyter ny to anyone who is out there

my 68 year old father is not very computer savvy so I’m here on his behalf. Ill skip the symptoms and jump to the case. Yesterday my mother and him got the call that he has bladder cancer and had 2 tumors, one being over and inch. We’re pretty nervous for him and they have an appointment march 23rd to hopefully get more answers like stages and what’s next. There’s probably no easy way to resolve what he might have to go through but I’m wondering what’s a place people can recommend to help my dad? We’re located about 30 min from Syracuse ny and are willing to travel.

Can anyone recommend a place that has good results or specializes with this type of cancer?

also are there support groups i can find for him locally?

Right now this is all brand new to me and it hasn’t totally hit me yet. So maybe you have some words of encouragement for a son.

thanks brad


  • barehead
    barehead Member Posts: 45 Member

    Sorry your dad has to go through this. But there are lots of good providers that can help treat this condition.

    An excellent place to learn about this disease is the web site. It has top notch medical information on bladder cancer. It should be able to answer any and all questions you may have. It also has a new contact line listed on the web site that can get you to folks who can help identify support resources in his area.

    I received my treatment at a National Cancer Institute (NCI) hospital which was 2 hours drive away from my home. The round trip drive was long, but the care was excellent. It appears that the closest NCI hospital to Syracuse is in Buffalo at the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. Google Maps says that is about a 2.5 hour drive.

    Most cancer centers also have support services for patients and caregivers, and most often there is no cost for these services. BCAN also has a survivor-to-survivor program, which can pair up a survivor that had a similar type of cancer with a new patient. The survivors help to take the mystery out of the journey that he is on. I am a member of that program as well. I spent the entire year of 2020 battling bladder, and while I had to donate some body parts, I am a survivor.

    Hope this helps.