Urtheria/Bladder cancer-

Douglasr Member Posts: 2 Member
edited April 2023 in Bladder Cancer #1

First time posting. I went through what my doctor called urtheria cancer back in 2019. However I find it difficult to find things under that title. It is like a subtitle as it falls under the Bladder cancer category, yet I had no issue with the bladder. The type of cancer was squamous cell, which is a skin cancer but can grow inside the body as as mass which mind did wrapping around the urtheria. I am looking for a chat room or someone who went through this type of issue. I went through chemo and surgery,.


  • barehead
    barehead Member Posts: 45 Member

    Sorry you had to go through that. Perhaps you meant to type "urethra", which is the small tube that take urine from the bladder to then exit your body. The urethra also consists of urothelial tissue, which extends from the base of kidneys and includes the ureters, bladder and urethra.

    A suggestion is to visit the bcan.org web site. It has up to date and curated top notch medical information about urothelial cancers, treatments, etc. It is a great place to learn about cancer affecting the urological system.

    Hope this helps.

  • Douglasr
    Douglasr Member Posts: 2 Member

    Barehead, thanks for the information and correcting on my spelling. I does not look like it lets me go back in and edit my post :(