Cystoscopy after Hysterectomy

RyanT7 Member Posts: 7 Member


I was recently diagnosed with grade 1 uterine cancer and I have surgery scheduled April 17. I was advised that immediately following the hysterectomy, a cystoscopy would be performed. Has anyone had this done during their procedure? I am assuming they want to rule out bladder mets. I have been experiencing ongoing slow urine stream and a uti. So glad to have found this group!


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,019 Member

    Welcome RyanT7. I have not heard of a cystoscopy after hysterectomy. Does that mean while you are still under the same anesthetic? It is different but, we have all learned that everybody is different. Sometimes it is just an abundance of caution. They don't want to miss anything. But grade 1 is most often stage 1 too.

  • RyanT7
    RyanT7 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Yes, the gynaecologist will do the scope while I am under. For Patho and follow up, I am being referred out of town.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,019 Member

    I wonder if they will have a urologist come in and do the procedure. I know my gyne onc. said there were other surgeons available if needed during a hysterectomy. Or maybe your surgeons has training in this procedure. It isn't done often by them. I might ask how many cystoscopies she or he has done.

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 496 Member
    edited March 2023 #5

    Hi Ryan,

    I know my gyn-onc discussed my bladder in his Operative Report. He stated that taking my bladder off my cervix was "quite difficult." He went on to say, "However, there was no evidence of any tumor involvement through the cervix." I was not experiencing any urinary symptoms before surgery, so no cystoscopy was done at the time of surgery.

    Are you also working with a urologist due to your urinary issues? Perhaps your gyn-onc decided (in consultation with your urologist if you have one) that rather than you having to schedule and go through a cystoscopy prior to surgery, since your hysterectomy is relatively soon, that it makes sense to do both at the same time. I know that the cystoscopies my urologist has done on me were in his office, quick and simple.

  • RyanT7
    RyanT7 Member Posts: 7 Member

    I was referred by my Gyne to a urologist a couple weeks before being diagnosed. It is possible the urologist would come in to do the scope. I will wait and see! Did you have any issues post-op with your bladder or recovery?

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 496 Member
    edited March 2023 #7

    No problems with my bladder post-op. Next month it will be 24 years since my diagnosis. Therefore, it would be an understatement to say that a lot has changed since then. For example, my surgery required a 5-day inpatient hospitalization. I needed radiation after surgery and years later I developed radiation cystitis, which caused intermittent blood in my urine. Radiation treatments too have changed dramatically since I was treated in 1999, so I'm not really a good role model as to what those being treated now might experience.

    Wishing you all the best!

  • RyanT7
    RyanT7 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thanks! I will let you know how it goes.

  • LisaPizza
    LisaPizza Member Posts: 358 Member

    I had a cystoscopy during my hysterectomy and oophorectomy. I don't know that there was any special reason for it, I thought it was routine, although I did have stage III, so maybe that influenced her. My Gyn Onc did it herself.

    I did have terrible pain when peeing for the first 24 hours that I assume was from the cystoscopy, but that is probably variable. I actually did get a UTI after my D&C but not after my surgery/cystoscopy.

    But it is possible the urologist could come in and do it too. I actually had a general surgeon come in and take out my gallbladder at the same time as my hysterectomy - twofer :) But that takes some schedule coordination that can be difficult.

  • RyanT7
    RyanT7 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Wow, your surgery sounds like it was complex. Hope you healed well, was it recent?

  • LisaPizza
    LisaPizza Member Posts: 358 Member

    Actually just coming up on 5 years post treatment (I had chemo and external radiation too) in June this year - can't believe it :)

    The cholecystectomy was unrelated to the cancer, but desperately needed. I was so grateful to get it all in one go.