
dsahlen Member Posts: 1 Member
edited October 2023 in Esophageal Cancer #1

are there any people that have undergone the protocel treatment for thier cancer?


  • annamae
    annamae Member Posts: 1 Member

    I have just started taking protocel. Have you used it for treatment? I am trying to find others to speak with regarding their journey.

  • carmenc
    carmenc Member Posts: 2 Member

    I don’t know your stage, but last May I was diagnosed w Squamous Cell Esophagus tumor that was 2mm from metastasizing, but it did not hit any lymph nodes. I did aggressive radiation and chemo. No surgery. As of last week after a biopsy of scar tissue and PET I have no sign of cancer. No matter what, get a second opinion. My team is at La Jolla Scripps in San Diego. They were great, but if I was faced w surgery I would have gone to UCSD.

  • theloneconsumer
    theloneconsumer Member Posts: 7 Member

    Yes I did the treatment for 6 months. Which is three bottles. Protocel 50. I had epithelial adeno carcinoma of the endometrial lining of the uterus. I read about it in a book “ Outsmart your Cancer” you can read about the FDA testing , why it was rejected ( oral not injectable , working in 4 weeks but not two weeks as per FDA) and the pharmaceutical info

    At 6 weeks my tumor shrunk 30% at 4 months it shrunk 60%. My ph balance went up to 7.5. . I had no side effects and worked the whole time. When I stopped taking it 2 months before surgery , I dropped to 6.0 PH in one month.

    My potassium dropped real low and I was 170/100 BP and went to the ER four times . I had surgery but not before my surgeon said 4 tumors left my womb and were in a lymph node , had grown 3 times the size and lymph node was inflamed he was for sure it was malignant

    I did the Keto for Cancer diet : no sugar ( honey only ) no bread, low fat 50 gms of vegetables and less than 6 Oz meat a week I lost 35 lbs in 3 months Tge pathology was 6 lymph nodes - all “ negative for malignancy” I had successfully starved the tumor like that book told me to do

    No chemo no radiation the oncologist said if no malignancy a hysterectomy would do I gained back 15 lbs in 2 1/2 months

    I stopped working completely a month before surgery was grateful for my Heartland hospital & cancer policy .

  • wrockenbach
    wrockenbach Member Posts: 1 *

    Annamae, How are you making out with protocel?
