Fast growing colon cancer

poyntal2002 Member Posts: 6 Member
edited April 2023 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I’m new new to this. Diagnosed with tumor 4 days ago. Malignancy 2 days ago and I have question no one will answer. I had colonoscopy less than 2 yrs ago that was clean, no polyps at all. Now I have malignant invasive tumor and polyps. Everything says wait 10 yrs between if colonoscopy is clear., so this to me is some very fast growing but no one yet will agree. Just wanting some opinions/knowledge of others more experienced.


  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 720 Member

    You will get more answers most likely after surgery is what I am thinking.

    There are several different types with different behaviors.

    What is the plan?

    What does bloodwork show?

    Have you consulted with 2nd/3rd opinions on path forward?

  • Tueffel
    Tueffel Member Posts: 327 Member


    You kind of have a similar brginning to my dad. He had 2 colonoscopies in 2 years. One was absilutely clear, then he got a drug that destroyed his immune system and the second colonoscopy showed malignancy with metastases. I truly believe now that the cancer was outside, non visible to the doctors eyes and then with time protruded outside.

    But your case is different to my dads and the growth could be even faster.

    Still, I do understand your fear and also frustration. You did take preventive measures and still got it. It is unfair but now the fight starts.

    After surgery you will know some characteristics of the cancer.

    I would recommend to do more thorough testing of the tumor. The standard is ras, braf and mss/msi. Talk to your doctor about foundation one testing or genome sequencing, this way you will get info about TMB and also some mutations that might have accelarated the growth.

    I wish you good luck with your fight

  • 73SueS73
    73SueS73 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Am so sorry. Your answer will come eventually. For now get as much support as you need. We all get diagnosed with many unanswered questions . The struggle is to stay focused and go one day to one day. Do what is best for you. Keep asking until you find some facts. 🤗

  • poyntal2002
    poyntal2002 Member Posts: 6 Member

    They are doing genetic testing after surgery, which is coming up quickly. Hopefully I will have more answers then.

  • poyntal2002
    poyntal2002 Member Posts: 6 Member

    I am trying to stay positive. Just hate the waiting but know I will have more information after surgery.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I hope your surgery is over and done with, and you have answers and a plan of action.

    It certainly seems like it popped up out of nowhere, but you know it was there all along, just not being enough to see.

    Let us know how you are doing.


  • poyntal2002
    poyntal2002 Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you, surgery is May 3rd. It will be robotic laproscopic which is great!