Partial Nephrectomy in 5 days - pre-surgery advice from those who've been there?

PenJones Member Posts: 4 Member
edited February 2023 in Kidney Cancer #1

Hi everyone. I basically am getting nothing from the urology/oncology group...having to discover information and tips from online.

My question: What helpful tips would you give to me on how to conduct myself with 5 days left? Things to gather together....things to avoid eating....things you wish you had done differently...etc. Any advice will be very much appreciated, as I have no support group here besides an awesome husband. - (over 65 yrs..under 3cm discovered incidentally during MRI for back issues)


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member

    Make sure that you stop taking aspirin or other pain relievers, any kind of blood thinning meds and any supplements that thin the blood (I stopped turmeric a week before). I assume your surgeon has you on a liquid only diet the days before. I did chicken broth and lemon Jello before my surgery (also a lap surgery for a growth of about half your size). I didn’t really change my diet other than that. I did make sure I got regular exercise prior to the surgery, but I didn’t overdo anything.

    Best wishes for a really dull, boring procedure and a swift recovery.

  • PenJones
    PenJones Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you for the input! Nope surgeon didn't say anything about meals the day before...only that I couldn't have anything after midnight...he did tell me to stop aspirin...but other than that, it's been quiet. Thanks for your best wishes...nice to have positive energy! :)

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    I didn't have to do a liquid died, just no food after midnight before surgery. I had a total laparoscopic nephrectomy for a 7 cm cancer in 2018. I didn't change my diet before or after, although I wasn't very hungry the first day or two after surgery. The hospital stay was just one night, and I got to go home once I peed after the catheter was out, and I'd walked the halls without problems. I slept on a not-too-squishy sofa with lots of pillows to keep me from turning , but tried not to nap too much. Walking and staying hydrated are the important things. Good luck!

  • PenJones
    PenJones Member Posts: 4 Member

    Alice - thank you so much for your input, and I'm so glad that you were able to be released so quickly...I'm wishing so hard that I too will be able to come back home as fast...and that there are no complications during surgery that will keep that from happening. I have a back support thing for the bed, but after reading this, perhaps it will be a good idea to have a back up plan in place for the couch! Thanks for the idea :)... and thanks for the reminder about walking and hydration!!