56 Year Male Incidental Finding 3CM mass on left Kidney

agarg_1 Member Posts: 5 Member
edited May 2023 in Kidney Cancer #1

CT scan showed a renal mass of 3CM on left kidney. I had a biopsy done and they confirmed it was Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma. I don't have blood in urine; kidney function tests are good; no signs of spreading to lymph nodes or other organs. I am generally healthy with strong heart vitals and blood pressure etc..Doctors are hinting that I will have to get my kidney removed. I will be speaking to Urologist next week about what he wants to do. Can I just leave it and monitor annually the growth? Or is nephrectomy has to be done right away?


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member

    Generally speaking, if there’s a confirmed cancer diagnosis, your urologist won’t recommend active surveillance (scans every six months to monitor whether a suspected cancer grows). As to whether a full or partial nephrectomy, done either open or laparoscopically, depends on a lot of factors the urologist will discuss. Being confirmed as malignant, I’d want to get it out before there’s a chance of increased size or metastasizing to other locations (which is less likely the smaller the growth).

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    Welcome, Agarg.

    I completely agree with the advice Bay gave you. If it is found to be cancerous then get it out of there. You've been blessed with early detection, so more than likely surgery will take care of it. Keep us posted!


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member


    agree to above said - if it is confirmed cancer, then absolutely NO to monitoring, you are young and in good health, so take it out. Otherwise sooner or later it will spread and you will be in much bigger trouble

  • UncleJawnsBand
    UncleJawnsBand Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hey man, first off, good luck. This is a ride.

    I had a scan on Jan 2, blood and clots in urine. They found a 6CM tumor in my left kidney, it was RCC; had a radical nephrectomy on Jan 26. My margins were clean, there was nothing in the lymph nodes, was deemed cancer free. I am back to work already and feeling pretty good (tired a lot).

    Just to echo everyone else, get the second opinion - my second opinion ended up being my surgeon who did a great job and in whom I have complete confidence.

    Cancer is a mental battle too - stay strong.

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    Hi I agree with getting it out rather than active surveillance. All the best to you, please keep us updated.

  • agarg_1
    agarg_1 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Yes , surgery date is towards end of April. Urologist is planning to do a partial nephrectomy..

  • droopy01
    droopy01 Member Posts: 14 Member

    I was 58 years old when a 2.6 cm mass was discovered incidentally. I had robotic partial nephrectomy and got it out. I'm glad that I did and have had peace of mind that I probably would not have had with a surveilance strategy. If surgery is a good option for you then I hope that you will have as good or a better experience than mine. Good luck.

  • agarg_1
    agarg_1 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Ok , thankyou for sharing your experience.. my surgery date is coming up in 2 weeks.. there is really no other option.. getting the tumor out makes sense!

  • scabledog
    scabledog Member Posts: 18 Member

    Totally agree with this. Mine was 6.5cm and they removed the kidney. The chances for long term success is getting it out before it decides to set up shop other places in your body. Good luck with the surgery... After a few months you will never know it happened. My urologic function is the same with one kidney as it was with two so I'm sure you will see the same results with 1.5 kidneys. Good luck!

    BKJSEATAC Member Posts: 6 Member

    All the best !! Cancer is not worth entertaining in any form. Get it out. The agony that unwanted and uninvited elements are thriving in your body will do you more harm than the thing itself.


  • agarg_1
    agarg_1 Member Posts: 5 Member

    I agree wholeheartedly.. very well said! My surgery is in 10 more days .. just trying to stay mentally tough ..

  • agarg_1
    agarg_1 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thanks for all the support !

    I had the surgery done on Wednesday April 26. I consider myself very lucky. Because of the tumor size and location they surgeon was able to save 90% of my kidney. There was no evidence of spread to lymph nodes. The hospital staff and facilities were top notch. I stayed 3 days in hospital ( could have gone home after day 2) The next morning after surgery they removed my catheter ( this made me get out of bed to go pee) Day 2 they removed the drainage tube from my side also IV was disconnected. Day 3 I spent in hospital just resting ..mostly sitting in a chair and doing a lot of walking around the hospital hallways. My big concern was getting the bowels moving ..that happened by itself on the 4th day at home! I have some pain at the incison sites..thats easily manageable with extra strength tylenol. I wanted to thank you all for your support and confidence. I am anxiously awaiting the pathology report !

  • DreamFinder
    DreamFinder Member Posts: 11 Member

    I'm glad to read that your surgery went well and you were able to keep most of your kidney. That's awesome!