My Hormone Vacation Begins

Josephg Member Posts: 464 Member
edited February 2023 in Prostate Cancer #1

After 2 years on Lupron/Zytiga/Prednisone, there are currently no visible signs of PCa, so my Oncologist has granted me a hormone vacation. I recognize that it will probably be 6 to 9 months before I feel 'normal' again, but I am very much looking forward to it. Time to celebrate!

My Related History and Data:

Post-Robotic Prostate Removal Surgery Pathology Report

A. Lymph nodes, right pelvic: Two (2) lymph nodes; negative for metastasis.

B. Lymph nodes, left pelvic: Two (2) lymph nodes; negative for metastasis.

C. Prostate, radical resection:

 1. Prostatic adenocarcinoma, Gleason grade 4+3=7, involving both lobes, at least 2.1cm and occupying 15% of the prostate by volume.

 2. No lymphatic/vascular invasion is present.

 3. Perineural invasion is present.

 4. Invasive carcinoma focally extends into extraprostatic soft tissue adjacent to the left posterior prostate (C20).

 5. The Seminal vesicles are free of carcinoma.

 6. The inked margins are free of carcinoma.

 7. High-grade PIN is present.

 8. Necrotizing granulomas are present within the prostate parenchyma; stains for microorganisms will be performed and reported in an addendum.

D. Left mid margin: Fibrovascular tissue; negative for tumor.

Diagnosis Comment: AJCC: pT3a NO

Da Vinci Robotic Prostate Removal Surgery


AMS 800 Artificial Sphincter Implant Surgery

1/9/2013 - Original implant

9/28/2019 - Replacement implant (original implant failed, due to leakage)

First Hormone Therapy (Lupron tri-monthly and Casodex daily)

Started 5/4/2013

Stopped 11/6/2013 (2nd and last 3-month dosage shot given on 8/6/2013)

Second Hormone Therapy (Lupron tri-monthly and Zytiga and Prednisone daily)

Started 1/29/2021

First Radiation Therapy IMRT (38 visits, 68 Grays)

Started 6/4/2013

Stopped 8/9/2013

Second Radiation Therapy SBRT (3 visits, 30 Grays)

Started 2/17/2021

Stopped 2/22/2021

PET Scan Report - 1/21/2021

Technique: Radiopharmaceutical: F-18-fluciclovine. Dose: 10.87 mCi.

Image acquisition: Approximately 3-5 minutes following IV tracer administration via a right antecubital fossa vein, positron emission tomography was performed from the vertex through the mid thigh. Non-contrast low-dose helical CT imaging was performed over the same range without breath-hold for attenuation correction of PET images and anatomic correlation.

Results: There is focal mildly increased radiotracer uptake within a sclerotic lesion in the left inferior pubic ramus, most likely representing an osseous metastasis.

MRI – 6/21/2021

To assess the initial results of the SBRT radiation therapy to my left hip. This will also serve as a baseline for future imaging assessments in this area.

Bone Density Scan – 8/4/2021

Baseline for future scans, to identify any changes in bone density, due to long term hormone treatment

CT Scan and Bone Scan – 10/7/2022

Both scans were to determine if any signs of existing PCa were visible. No visible signs of PCa in either scan.

PSA History

5.22 - 6/28/2011 (59 years old)

0.05 - 12/22/2011

0.05 - 3/25/2012

0.05 - 6/22/2012

0.06 - 10/13/2012

0.08 - 12/31/2012

0.11 - 3/30/2013

0.13 - 4/23/2013

0.02 - 8/6/2013

0.02 - 11/26/2013

<0.015 - 7/28/2014

<0.015 - 1/3/2015

<0.015 - 7/7/2015

0.02 - 1/15/2016

0.05 - 8/23/2016

0.07 - 2/21/2017

0.10 - 8/22/2017

0.13 - 12/29/2017

0.19 - 6/18/2018

0.26 - 10/15/2018

0.29 – 2/11/2019

0.41 - 5/20/2019

0.43 - 9/13/2019

0.46 - 1/17/2020

0.65 - 5/22/2020

0.97 - 9/25/2020

0.98 - 1/11/2021

0.25 - 3/4/2021

0.05 - 4/28/2021

<0.02 - 8/4/2021

<0.02 - 1/19/2022

<0.02 – 4/20/2022

<0.02 – 7/13/2022

<0.02 – 10/17/2022

<0.02 – 1/11/2023


Related Permanent Side Effects

Complete Incontinence - Prostate removal surgery (had to remove the left side nerve bundle)

ED - Prostate removal surgery (had to remove the left side nerve bundle)

Gynecomastia (benign breast tissue growth) - Hormone treatments of Lupron and/or Casodex

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating every time performing very minor physical activity) - Hormone treatments of Lupron and/or Casodex.

Hematuria (abundant blood in urine) - Radiation treatments caused recurring instances of bladder wall inflammation. Biopsy negative.

Previous Related Posts (Mostly artificial sphincter and hormone/radiation experiences):

Artificial Sphincter Experiences

Hormone and Radiation Salvage Treatment Experiences


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,717 Member

    Yes, let's celebrate 😁😄👍. Best wishes for fast recovery to a more natural status. Congratulations.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,229 Member


    Very low PSA for over a year now, thats great. Sounds like you have had your share of side effects, hopefully your symptoms will largely fade over the coming months. ADT treatments scare the heck out of me for all the side effects, hopefully I will never need them. Nasty price to pay for just weakening the cancer. Good luck in the future👍.

    Dave 3+4

  • Gabeezlebub
    Gabeezlebub Member Posts: 1 *

    Congrats Joseph!! Very happy for you.

    I have been diagnosed with Stage IVa prostrate cancer. Metastasized to my bones. No lymph nodes apparently. Never had any symptoms that I am aware of. They took blood samples for 22 years. Never knew they never took a PSA test. I thought that was the first thing they did!!! In their infinite wisdom they gave me my first at 68 years of age. They know full well that men should be checked yearly from forty years on. Why PSA tests are not standard protocol is anyone’s guess. I feel like the AMA is letting men down. Prevention my butt. But sure have met every Tom,****,and Harry since. They all start out the same way-asking me how my day is. What am I going to do, tell them the truth? And then tell them to go out and get a real job?

    My first PSA was 1508!!! Then 400. Then 146, 61, 12.7 and lastly 4.3 (which is still considered high). Hoping the next one will be in the normal range (0-4). The hormone therapy is working perfectly, but it's turning me into a girl!!! Had one chemo infusion. Five more to go. Then what? I have no idea.

    Had the libido of a mouse. Not anymore. Weiner is disappearing, and my nuggies are shriveling up like wrinkled raisins. Dry as a bone. I should go online looking for a date. I’d light up the switchboard (if you know what I mean).

    5-10 years to live according to the data. Had planned on somewhere between 20 and 25. Dad’s 93. Mom is going on 92 and still driving. They both live at home.

    Well, good luck in the future!!!

  • On_A_Journey
    On_A_Journey Member Posts: 138 Member

    @Josephg, good for you!

    @Gabeezlebub, sorry to hear about your ignorant medical team. I'm glad your hormone therapy is doing what it's meant to do in a PSA sense, even if it does come with those undesired side effects. Regardless of the de-masculinization that you have experienced, it is the lesser of two evils, and at the end of the day you are still male even if you don't feel like it. I've got a feeling that you'll be around for a while yet.

  • hewhositsoncushions
    hewhositsoncushions Member Posts: 411 Member

    Well done!

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,547 Member

    Well deserved!