Cobalt radiation as toddler for tonsillitis-Late rffects

dlc123 Member Posts: 5 Member

I am an MD and practiced Pediatric Oncology. I have a story of my own to tell

In the late 1940s and the 1950s, infants and children and teens were given Cobalt radiation for tonsillitis, acne, thymus gland, feet-for proper shoe fitting. All benign conditions

I was 4 years old when I had Colbalt radiation to “shrink” my tonsils. Only 5 years later, at age 9 years old, I developed metastatic follicular thyroid cancer I was cured with surgery no chemo and no radiation

i am 72 years old now, and in my 60s, I started developing Cobalt late effects. Radiation fibrosis, radiation neuropathy, radiation osteonecrosis of my mandible, radiation heart valve damage, brain fog, extreme fatigue, radiation damage to bone marrow and liver, breast sarcoma, retinal detachment.

I attend a late effects clinic but none of the radiation docs have seen my cohorts and the docs that did it to all of us are dead.

Where are all my fellow cohorts? There have been articles written about deaths from squamous cell carcinoma in large areas of radiation to the back of one teenage victim being treated for acne.

There must be thousands f baby boomers out there having been treated for non-cancerous, benign reasons and are developing cancers and many awful things in the decay period which is generally showing up in ones 60s

.Any fellow wounded out there? Would love to spread the word and see what other victims are enduring.


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 928 Member

    My experience with radiation thankfully resulted in no obvious longterm damage like yours. I remember going into the JC Penny shoe department and having my feet imaged for shoe size. I know of no ill effects from it. My older sister however was a polio victim at age 5 and had, literally, a dozen surgeries and I would guess 100s of x-ray and “ static” images. I believe they used Americum and Cobalt - the same elements used to sterilize irradiated foods in Europe. Over her lifetime she was afflicted with several types of hard and soft cancers and finally died from one of them. Back then the radiation was considered avant guard and very useful and quite harmless - some even said it was healthful. In the comic books of the pop culture of that time radiation exposure could turn you into a superhero. It seems to me that some of the modern treatments - novel “vaccines” for example - have the potential for similar results. We just do not know. But oh well - I am too old to die young so it probably will not affect me. I do however worry about my grandchildren.

    Best of luck to you.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 928 Member

  • dlc123
    dlc123 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Wonderfully said. I appreciate your sharing your thoughts. Totally agree about what is happening in our world today. Loved your comment “I am too old to die young”! I may borrow that from you. I have had a wonderful life and have learned my way around these odd “pop ups”. Just want similar folks are not alone. God has led me through.

    Blessings to you, Shady guy,


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 928 Member

    I can,t take credit for that quote. It is from an old bluegrass song by Moe Bandy. There is a good rendition on youtube.

    Too Old To Die Young

    If life is like a candle bright

    Then death must be the wind

    You can close your window tight

    But it still comes blowing in

    So I will climb the highest hill

    And watch the risin’ sun

    And pray that I won’t feel the chill

    ‘Til I’m too old to die young

       Let me watch my children grow

       To see what they become

       Lord don’t let the cold winds blow

       Til I’m too old to die young

    Well I have had some dear sweet friends

    I thought would never die

    The only thing that’s left of them

    Are these teardrops in my eyes

    If I could have one wish today

    And know it would be done

    Then I would pray everyone could stay

    ‘Til they’re too old to die young

  • dlc123
    dlc123 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Love this. Lots of nostalgia during this station of life. Quite frankly, I do not know low to be old. At 72, I don't feel old. We need some Cliff Notes on this journey. Blessings to you. Thanks so much for the lyrics. Will check out the whole piece on You Tube.

    Have a wonderful Lord' Day.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 928 Member

    From a more recent song:

    “Sinning is a lot more fun

    Cause only the good die young!”

    I do not really subscribe to that view but it certainly is a catchy phrase! Also I was taught punishment comes in the afterlife so bad people often do well in this life. Enough philosophy! Just hoping my upcoming checkup goes well. Having a lot of fatigue lately. No more chemo for me regardless of what the doc says!

  • dlc123
    dlc123 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thanks for another sharing of great lyrics.

    I will be praying for excellent results from your check up. I do understand "no more chemo".As Doctors in the specialty of Oncology, my colleagues and I have always said, "radiation is the gift that keeps on giving". You have probably heard that, and it is true. Since my Cobalt tank is full, no matter what the future holds for my situation, it will not hold any further radiation.
