Radical Nephrectomy

lyssmarie Member Posts: 2 *
edited December 2022 in Kidney Cancer #1


I'm scheduled to get a radical nephrectomy for a very small tumor (2.5cm) in my kidney. I'm a 31 year old female and do not fit the normal profile for RCC but they are very concerned about the tumor so my kidney will be removed. I had my pre-op appointment yesterday and asked as many questions as possible. I'm wondering what to expect post surgery. I know what my doctor told me, but I've found it more helpful hearing from people that have been through it. Would love to hear some experiences/what to expect post op!


  • bramrebello
    bramrebello Member Posts: 25 Member

    Yours is a very small tumor and only a part of the kidney will be removed robotically to preserve the function of that particular Kidney. I had a 3x2.7x2.9 tumor which turned out to be RCC and was robotically removed with a 5days hospital stay in November 2020 and till date by god's grace I am doing fine. Hope this helps.

  • lyssmarie
    lyssmarie Member Posts: 2 *

    Thank you for sharing! It helps and I am glad you’re doing well.

    I am getting my full kidney removed. Even though the tumor is small it has managed to locate itself in the dead center of my kidney which prevents the ability for a partial nephrectomy.

  • bramrebello
    bramrebello Member Posts: 25 Member

    Hope and pray that it may be reviewed and you only undergo a partial nephrectomy

  • Sambuca
    Sambuca Member Posts: 11 Member

    Everyone’s recovery time is different. I am 70, had a radical nephrectomy in July, tumor 10cm. In hosp 3 days, first 2 days not great, but you will feel better everyday. Important to eat healthy, hydrate and exercise (walk). I go to Vanderbilt, scans every 3 months, have a good support group & stay positive.

  • Sambuca
    Sambuca Member Posts: 11 Member

    Forgot to mention that I had an open nephrectomy. Cleveland Clinic, May Clinic are good web sites for information.

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Hi lyssmarie- Everyone's recovery is different, but with you being so young, you have reason to be optimistic.

    I wrote about my robotic-assisted radical nephrectomy here- https://csn.cancer.org/discussion/318416/eug91s-radical-nephrectomy-story You can see what I went through the first few days post-surgery.

    In my situation, I got a little bit better everyday. Less than a week later, I was able to sit at my desk and do a little work, and ride as a passenger for 2 hour drives. Two weeks later, I was driving solo again.

    One tip: bring a pillow to cushion your abdomen from the seat belt for the drive home.

    Another tip: you might get the post-surgery sore shoulders. Heat pads and ice packs for those.

    Big tip: the key to healing is walking. Make sure to do some walking whenever you can. It really does help.

    Good luck with your neph! You're gonna do great!

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    I had a full laparascopic nephrectomy when I was 68. I was in the hospital just one night, then recovered at home. The first two or three days were uncomfortable but manageable. After that, I definitely started feeling a lot better, and by the next week, I was walking the short, fairly level trail in my favorite park, and going out to eat afterwards. The one thing I wish I'd bought was a pair of farmer-style overalls so I wouldn't have to deal with a waistband on the incisions. I did wear elastic waist pants and tucked a soft sponge in the waistband for comfort. I also slept in a pillow cocoon on a fairly firm sofa, so I wouldn't be tempted to roll over onto the surgery side.

    Good luck!

    BKJSEATAC Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hey Lyssmarie

    Sorry to hear about the darn tumor and the spot it found - that sucks. I am going for partial neph in 2 weeks and my tumor is 2.5x 2.9 but on the outside walls. I M 52M.

    It's not over till it's over but yet age is on your side and I am praying you and I get to NED very soon. Let's find courage thru these hard times.


  • scabledog
    scabledog Member Posts: 18 Member

    You received a lot of good comments thus far and similar to my experience. Had left kidney fully removed in 2018. One question people ask me a lot is how do you feel months and years out. To be honest for me if it was not for remembering it happening my life is as normal with one kidney as it was with two. Literally I had no restrictions and I was able to do everything as I did before with full function. If I did not remember it I would never know it happened.... Yours is very small (mine was much bigger just shy of 7cm) so hopefully this is "one and done" and you will never have to think about it again post the usual 5 year "watch and scan" period. Wish you all the best for a full recovery.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member

    Lots of great advise here.


    My husband didn’t perform them (ignored his doc) and got post-surgery pneumonia.

    Good luck with surgery! With tumor that small you will be fine!