
Rednana65 Member Posts: 6 Member
edited November 2022 in Prostate Cancer #1


  • Rednana65
    Rednana65 Member Posts: 6 Member

    I would really appreciate any suggestions or “next steps” for this initial phase. The above post should say “thigh” bone pain, not “side” bone.

  • centralPA
    centralPA Member Posts: 379 Member

    Hi @Rednana65 , sorry you find yourself here.

    His PSA value is a HUGE warning star flare shot into the sky, and he has to see a doctor sooner than later. Much sooner. They will immediately steer him to a urologist, who will work up a set of tests and examinations for him. With his high PSA and potential bone pain, it is suggestive of the worst case, cancer that has escaped and metastasized into the bone and other parts. Not guaranteed, things certainly ache as we get older, but they will want to confirm or deny that case pronto.

    My father had hip and back pain too. Thought it was age. It was stage 4 kidney cancer.

    I expect they will quickly pursue a PSMA scan, an MRI, and then a prostate biopsy based on the results of both scans.

    So next steps...he must see a doctor and move on to a urologist.

    This can be managed, but he has to act now. No sticking his head in the sand. Or...he can let nature take its course.

  • Rednana65
    Rednana65 Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you for the honest words, that is what it probably is, with numbers like that and his aches and fatigue. I’m concerned at his age, no grandchildren and two adult sons on the other side of the country, we live in Oklahoma, that he would prefer to just let nature take its course. I have the opposite type of personality so being supportive may be a challenge.

  • Rob.Ski
    Rob.Ski Member Posts: 182 Member

    Agree with Central PA. Get to a Urologist.