Awaiting biopsy results - pre menopausal

ETPHONE Member Posts: 3 *
edited November 2022 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

Hello alL

THANKS so much in advance for reading here.

I am 46 with a long complicated OBGYN history.

I have had abnormal mid cycle (every 15 day or so) heavy bleeding and spotting at other times.

I have also had UTI like symptoms but UTI test is negative but they did find blood in the urine not sure if that is normal or not.

I woke up today to see a large lymph node inflamed on my right pelvic bone. No idea what this is but it's scary as heck.

my blood tests show ovation reserve is okay and doesn't look like menopause is coming but I am of the age.

any thoughts wound be great


    ETPHONE Member Posts: 3 *

    Sorry meant to add that Pap smear was normal but I know that doesn't pick up endometrial cancer

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Welcome ETPHONE. Waiting for results is hard. But 1 in 10 biopsies are positive for cancer, so your chances are very good that there is none. It is also less common in young women. I'm glad your gynecologist is doing the biopsy though.

    Sometimes a urine sample can be contaminated if a woman is having her period, that is some vaginal blood can end up in the urine cup.

    Blood in urine is not normal.

    I have never seen a swollen lymph node so can't comment on that. I have felt them. Good luck to you!

    ETPHONE Member Posts: 3 *

    And thanks your sentiment is very genuine

    i had cervical cancer 10 years ago and a long nervous wait since so my system is in a bit of a shock.

    all the best and thanks again for the kindness

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    I have never read cervical cancer increases your risk of endometrial cancer. I am an RN and used to work in a doctor's office. If your lymph node is still visible I would report it to the gynecologist. It shouldn't be. It is so hard waiting.

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    ETPHONE – do come back and let us know how you’re doing. Should you learn that you do have cancer, we want to support you. But we’d be also happy to hear that you dodged the cancer bullet at this time.