Anxious After First Colonoscopy Tomorrow Morning Since Surgery/Treatment

woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member
edited September 2022 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

Not my first one and never had any problems in past except for a few pesky polyps removed but super anxious about the one I have tomorrow morning. Maybe it's the hunger pain setting in and the fear of prep to start in 5 hours but honestly nervous as it's the first one since my hysterectomy and brachytherapy last year and my GI doctor from prior years procedures retired so also a new doctor.

I was due last Fall for 5 year follow-up and I just kept putting it off but at my lass2 3-month check-ups my oncologist admonished me so I promised to get it done before I return in October. I did have a tele-visit with new doctor last week and expressed my concerns.

She told me she had reviewed my records from last time and also looked at my abdomen/pelvis cat scans from May and did not foresee any issues.

I asked about if she would use a pediatric scope and she said there are pro's and con's to using and that in past my doctor had not used pediatric size. She said it was my call but she wasn't planning to however I have a number of pubmed articles, etc that all recommend pediatric scope for women particularly after hysterectomy because of adhesions and a woman's body. I had no idea previously how different a procedure this is internally for women vs men and how much more painful and risky the procedure is. I just sent her a note via mychjart which I doubt she will read before tomorrow morning but will tell them when I get there that's what I want.

Hopefully all will go well and good results/outcome and I can cross this off the list for awhile.

Here's to my Suprep-Tini at 5!

If anyone happens to read this today who has been through this and has any thoughts appreciate nay insight. Thanks.


  • Fridays Child
    Fridays Child Member Posts: 281 Member

    Hi, woodstock! I certainly understand your apprehension. I will be nervous at my next one since the doctor who did mine has also retired. I don't actually remember if they used a pediatric scope for any of mine. I had one before my hysterectomy and have had two since, one where I had only had brachytherapy and one after my recurrence with pelvic radiation. I had no problems with any of the actual procedures, but oh, I hated that salt water prep! I hope what you have is better than mine. Go-Lytely, I think they called it.

    Good luck and let us know how you get along!

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    Because of Lynch Syndrome, I’ve had three colonoscopies/endoscopies since my surgery (I have them every two years). I’ve not had issues with any of them. And there is nothing in the procedure notes to indicate the gastroenterologist used any different equipment or procedure than he normally would. One polyp found in 2018 – none since.

    Hope your procedure goes smoothly.

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    Thank you. I am using SuPrep. Used this one last time. I think they all taste pretty awful and salty but I have my ginger ale, lemonade and apple juice to chase it with!

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    Thanks so much as always. I am super anxious for some reason today now that I am down to the wire. Will post when it is done!

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    edited August 2022 #6

    I had a colonoscopy one year after finishing surgery, chemo, radiation. No big deal. Previously, I had to start a three year interval because of polyps. My colonoscopy was clear so I don't have to go back for 5 years. I don't understand the need for a pediatric scope?

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    All is well.

    I did have polyps removed and have been a nervous wreck since Monday waiting on the biopsy results but just heard from doctor and all is well.

    Very grateful and relieved.

    Thanks all.

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    That’s a relief. Glad it’s behind you

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    I was away from the Board for a few days, so I didn't see your news. Bummer about the polyps as that will probably shorten the recommended time period between colonoscopies, but for now enjoy that it's done.

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    Thanks - yes I am now on the 3 year plan vs 5 but I love my new GI and hopefully next time will be fewer!

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Something we sometimes forget about colonoscopies is that they are not only screening but prevention. I don't know what kind of polyps you had but if they were adenomatous, which it seems likely they were, then your colonoscopy prevented cancer developing in those polyps. By removing them you remove the chance that polyp would have proceeded to cancer. It used to be one of my jobs to talk people in to having their colonoscopies.

    I'm glad it is done and you have a doctor you like and trust.

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    You are spot on. My prior GI retired during COVID and I was due a year ago at 5 year mark but I put it off as I had just finished surgery and brachytherapy and I needed to find a new GI. I then just didn't want to deal with it but my oncologist was very upset with me the past two 3-month checkups and I promised her I would get it done before my next check-up.

    Most were benign and normal but one showed "adenomatous changes." As she put it, this is a benign finding, and had no evidence of colorectal cancer. However, the finding of "adenomatous changes" may mean that you have an increased risk of developing future polyps and colorectal cancer. 

    Trust me, I am relieved to have done this and to have one less thing to stress over! I am on the bandwagon to my friends as well to get theirs done! Thanks.