fiber and probiotic

steph57 Member Posts: 19 Member
edited August 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1

i had stage 4 rectal cancer after my reversal surgery and a year followup sigmoidoscopy the surgeon said that I should be on a fiber for the rest of my life. my husband just picked up a fiber with probiotic in it. has anyone else on a fiber and probiotic and how is it going? thanks


  • BoulderSteve
    BoulderSteve Member Posts: 16 Member

    As usual, everyone's results will be different, but here's my take on it. I'm one year out from my reversal and I was told the same thing about fiber and probiotics by my oncologist. I've tried them both, but they weren't combined. Of the two, I've found the fiber (benefiber) to be helpful. When I tried probiotics (visbiome), it seemed to cause incredible gut distress and I stopped taking it after a month.

    For my situation, the greatest improvements seemed to be controlling my diet and just waiting for things to heal. It has been a slow process and I feel that I still have quite a ways to go, but each month seems to be a little better.

  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 721 Member

    A good prebiotic is something to consider also.

    For fiber, I take oat fiber in my cereal or whatever I am having for breakfast.

    Both are very important for gut health for sure.

  • STI_1911
    STI_1911 Member Posts: 21 Member

    Hi there,

    I had a stage T3N1b crc and my chemo has ended around Easter 2022. Since then i am recovering, slow but recovering. I had some pain and discomfort in the lower colon so my doc recommanded some probiotics. He said i should take those like 4 to 6 weeks. The pain and pressure feeling has gone.

    But now i have a slight nausea every morning. Not enough to throw up but feeling pretty bad. Could this be a side effect of the probiotics?

    My oncologists say it may take 6 to 12 month until full recover. Some do never full recover they say.

    So speaking for myself i can't tell if probiotics work as expected. I had my microbiom inspected before i started with the probiotics. Result was that some e-coli bacteria were missing. I think it needs another stool inspection to find out if it's any better now.

    But then would it explain the nausea in the morning?

    All the best

  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member

    I'm stage IV and have been taking a probiotic daily over the last year. It's very helpful and won't interfere with any treatments you're having. Quite safe and doctor approved.