Pea-sized lump in left breast

bluebunny88 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited September 2022 in Breast Cancer #1

I have a lump that’s a size of a pea on the left side under the nipple. It’s painless and appears movable (I can hold it in my fingers like a little ball and it’ll slip). It’s sorta dark in color but not really dark and it feels like there might be fluid but not sure. I thought it was a pimple at first but starting to think it’s not. It’s easy to see on the surface of the skin and feel under the skin.

I’m 41 and just been diagnosed with small fibroids and endometrial polyps. The polyps are getting removed in a few weeks. I wonder if there’s a relationship. I just finished my loooooooong period so it’s probably just hormones with the menstruation but I can’t be sure. I’ve heard of fibroadenoma but I’m not sure about that considering my age. Only my grandmother had breast cancer but she survived after a single mastectomy and the cancer never returned. My mom had both ovaries removed to prevent ovarian cancer and that’s about it as far as family history goes.

Any women between 40 and 45 in the same situation?
