
BeBraverNow Member Posts: 1 *
edited August 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I’m sorry if this isn’t the right place to post. I’m so scared and don’t know who to talk to. I recently had my annual physical and my blood work came back with a low MCV and mu doctor recommends a colonoscopy because it could indicate a GI bleed. I spent way too much time on Google and all seems to point to cancer. I’m just so scared and worried. I have no other symptoms. I am 49 and my periods are infrequent. I’m trying to prepare myself for the worst.


  • Chris2328
    Chris2328 Member Posts: 19 Member

    I am sorry. It is hard not to be frightened. See if you can get the colonoscopy expedited. I hope that you get good news. This is the perfect place to post. Let us know how you are doing.


  • gmtexas
    gmtexas Member Posts: 13 Member

    BeBraverNow, I second Chris2328's comment... the perfect place to post. I too hope you get good news. But if your colonoscopy reveals something, including cancer, I look at this as good news as well, as it allows a strategy to treat whatever condition you may have; today, versus 3 months, or three years from now. For cancer, the earlier the better. Being a Stage IV colon cancer survivor, now entering my 11th year, I have learned to embrace my scans to detect problem areas early, so we can act on them. I wish you well with your colonoscopy. Take care.

  • fordmicah
    fordmicah Member Posts: 14 Member

    For whatever its worth, my doctors and my original gastroenterologist all told me that they see people with GI bleeding all the time and it is rarely cancer. They said its almost always hemorrhoids. Hopefully that helps you rest a little easier.

  • Chris2328
    Chris2328 Member Posts: 19 Member

    What a generous post. I hope it helps her rest easier as well.

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    edited August 2022 #6

    BBN, welcome and sorry you're here, but you have better odds than most here. I was terrified at 49, during a sigmoidoscopy, when the doctor started showing his nurse the mass 23cm up in my sigmoid section. I thought maybe deep hemorroids or a small tear, before the ''old looking, crusty thing'' showed up, so I get the shock. After the full colonoscopy, later the same day, on some poor guys lunch hour, I spoke to my GP to keep her in the loop, and she suggested a Xanax script. 14 years later I still have it, though I throw most away as it expires. It just has been handy for occassional sleeplessness, and was very helpful through all the appointments and procedures. I did learn mindfulness, meditation, being in the moment, and the ancient discipline of Stoicism later, but those calming pills sure saved my mind a lot of obsessing, over many years. I'm fortunate not to be the addictive type, [though opioids got tricky for a while later, but that's a separate tale]. If it turns out the odds favored you, this will have been just a big fright, if it's the bad turn, you will have to develop coping mechanisms to deal with that acute fear. Talk to your main doctor about help then to at least, calm the beginning while you sort it all out. Best of luck to you.................................Dave

  • DanNH
    DanNH Member Posts: 186 Member

    Please leave a message here if you find out it is NOT cancer. We will all be so happy for you!!!
