Scared it could be uterine cancer

bluebunny88 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited September 2022 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

I’m only 41 and not had menopause yet. However, I’ve had irregular bleeding for a few months before telling my doctor. I thought it was normal and changes were normal due to my age so I didn’t worry about it. Then I went in for my annual exam and had a Pap smear. Everything was normal, even the Pap smear but gynecologist ordered an ultrasound anyway, thinking there’s nothing and it’s just that I’m getting older.

Had the ultrasound. Ovaries were normal and no adnexal mass was found. However, small fibroids were found as well as two polyps. I have a hysteroscopy scheduled in a few weeks. I have history of PCOS and family history of ovarian cancer and breast cancer. Now my period was late until this past week and I’m passing discharge for about a week now along with menstrual blood. I know discharge is normal but never lasted this long before and knowing about the polyps, I’m scared about what I’m going to find out after the procedure. I know at my age, it’s normal to have abnormal bleeding but the discharge lasting this long is new and it’s probably because of the polyps but I don’t know. My symptoms could be just because of the polyps or getting older but it just scares me it might be cancer.


  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member

    Welcome and I am sure you are very concerned and scared. You are being proactive which is great and your doctors are responding. These diagnoses take time as they seek to eliminate other causes of your symptoms. The odds are in your favor that this is not cancer, but you still have to go through this part to determine the causes of bleeding. We are here for you if you need us. You are not alone.


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Welcome Bluebunny. Thinking you have cancer is scary. I just read that about 3-4 polyps in 100 biopsied were cancerous. And 1 in 10 endometrial biopsies are cancerous. That means 90% are not cancerous. And most endometrial cancers are early endometrioid that don't require any treatment other than the staging hysterectomy. So your chances are really good that it isn't cancer, and if it is your staging hysterectomy would be the only treatment required. I hope this is your outcome. Normal biopsies. But we are here for you if they are not.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    please try to take a breath Bluebunny. You are incredibly proactive at getting looked in to and researching information.

    Let us know what the results are of your tests and if you have any questions. We are here.

  • bluebunny88
    bluebunny88 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks guys. I’m still menstruating and have been since August 9th so I’m changing tampons every 4 hours non-stop which is not usual for me to last this long. I’m probably gonna run out of tampons! I’ve called my gynecologist yesterday morning and not heard back at all. So this is troubling since her office have obviously been ignoring my calls. I don’t have my hysteroscopy til September 1st so probably won’t report back much til then or til I get the results from the lab.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    You can always try your family doctors office. Maybe you could request a hemoglobin since you are bleeding heavily. They could do that.

  • bluebunny88
    bluebunny88 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Just had my hysterectomy with d&c and polypectomy two days ago under general anesthesia. A lot of drugs too in only an hour! Doc says she didn’t find polyps but a lot of excess tissues which she cleaned out. Still bleeding a bit and sore. My biggest concern is not passing a lot of urine since except for first trip to the toilet in the morning. My left back side get sore. I’m prone to frequent UTIs due to a physical disability and have been diagnosed with kidney stones so that stinks. So the doc gave me Cephalexin to take for 7 days. Drinking even more water than usual seems to help, I think. Anyone ever had what I just described after a procedure like this?

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Great to have that over with. I guess drinking lots of fluids is a good thing. I have not had what you had, just wanted to say hello and thanks for checking back. Do you have a nephrologist? Wouldn't be out of the question if you have kidney stones. Maybe an appointment with one would be in order.

  • bluebunny88
    bluebunny88 Member Posts: 9 Member

    I have an urologist. That’s how I knew about the stones.