Waiting to find out treatments

DjFriday Member Posts: 16 Member
edited August 2022 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Yesterday, I had the radiation mask made for me. It wasn't as bad as I had pictured it to be. Today, I had an MRI. Monday, I have the G tube put in. Tuesday, I have some dental work being done. It just seems like so much happening that it's hard to keep organized. If I didn't have a calendar and notebook in my purse, I would be completely lost. I was told that they can't find a primary so now I'm waiting to see if the treatments will change. All I know right now is radiation for 7 weeks (35 treatments). Thats all. I'm almost certain that chemo of some sort will be administered but don't have any verification. So I wait....


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member

    Hello DJ and welcome to the forum. Glad to have you and I hope you find the support you need here. The first thing I would recommend is to check out the Superthread at the top of the page. It is loaded with information and i think you will find some answers in there. For some reason when you open it now it goes to the bottom of the page, got the whole way to the top, and start there.

    It sounds like you are doing everything you need to be doing with scans, G-tube, getting your dental work all caught up, all the things that are extremely important preparation. You are right so much is thrown at you all at once, tests, scans, appointments, and you are doing very well being prepared with a notebook and a calendar. Also, if you have a cell phone there is usually a voice recorder app available if the people you have appointments with will let you record the meeting, that way if you are unsure of what was said you can listen back on it. Once you find out if you are getting chemo you may want to ask your care team if they think you should have a port. Depending on how many chemo treatments you are getting ports are a real vein saver. Please keep us updated moving forward and we can help as you progress through treatment.

    Wishing You the Best

    Take care, God Bless-Russ

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member


    It's always so tough ... waiting for answers. At least once you find out the plan, one can start preparing for it.

    One piece of advice that worked great for me, was having an advocate, to attend the meetings with the Oncologists with me. It's amazing how people will step up to help you, if you ask.

    It's a very emotional time for the patient. Another person can calmly keep track of things like medications, recommendations (for things like skin lotions etc.)

    If you're able to eat - please EAT all you can .... to get prepared!

    I definitely feel for you, as I can remember how scared I was at the time. I can only tell you that most of it wasn't as bad as they described it would be. I can also tell you that your fellow survivors on CSN are proof that you can get through it.

    You strike me as a very strong, positive woman - and I predict you will get through this ... and then help others!

    Hang in there...


  • DjFriday
    DjFriday Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thanks for the reply. I will Definately keep the port in mind. Yes, I already feel like my veins are pincushions. I'm reading all I can from everyone on here and getting tips and hints. So much wonderful information. Thanks again and take care.

  • DjFriday
    DjFriday Member Posts: 16 Member

    I do try to stay positive and feel blessed of what I have in my life. I have been thru some hard, difficult times and this is another time that I will get thru. I'm ready to fight and it does give me strength and hope every time I come to this board. I learn from everyone and that helps so much.

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member

    Typically, if they can't find the primary the standard of care is chemo and radiation...so you are already assuming the likely treatment plan. Good luck!

  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member

    Your journey has already started, but you seem to have a good attitude going in. You'll need a lot of resources--medical, family, friends, and your 2 furry kids--but the best resource is attitude. Keep coming back here to get support from those of us who've been in your boat before--and have survived.
