Childhood cancer survivor

Tiamarieantonio Member Posts: 2
edited August 2022 in Young Cancer Survivors #1

hello ,

I am 28 years old and I am a cancer survior of leukemia (ALL) I was diagnosed when I was about 2 years old and went into remission around the age of 5 . I have followed up with routine blood work once year since I went into remission . Growing up I did not have any fear about getting my cancer back I lived a pretty normal life . Once I reached high school I started facing depression and anxiety never really understanding where it was coming from . I began struggling with going to any doctors office I would end up having anxiety attacks I felt as if something was always wrong or would be wrong . I had two kids by the age of 21 and that's when I can say things took a turn for the worst. i currently spend every day in fear and worried that something will be wrong with me I have severe PTSD and anxiety from this . I find myself delaying doctors appointments because I think I will get bad news or something will be off with My blood work. its taking over my mind and life some days I can get myself physically sick conving myself something will be wrong or is wrong .  feel as if it started consuming my personal life , my job , my relationships . I don't think anyone can truly understand what you are going through unless they have went through it themselves . I want to be happy and healthy for myself and my kids . I want to get to a point where I can live my life and not be in this fear. I joined this group to hope to connect to people going through the similar life experiences as me . 




  • Tiamarieantonio
    Tiamarieantonio Member Posts: 2
    childhood Cancer survivor 

    childhood Cancer survivor 

  • Kbrad215
    Kbrad215 Member Posts: 1 *


    I was diagnosed with ALL when i was 4 years old and went into remission at the age of 8. I have always struggled with depression and anxiety ever since I can remember. I completely understand your fear of doctors and always fearing for the worst. the first thing i googled when i found out i was pregnant is if i could pass it to my son. I am constantly worrying about him when he is sick, thinking the worst. I am on Lexapro to help me deal with it, i also go to therapy and read self-help books. It's just hard to talk to someone who doesn't understand what i have been through.