That evil LARS- Constipation

Still_Here Member Posts: 3 Member
edited August 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I've browsed the topics on the discussion boards, and it seems I am something of an anomaly.

I survived Stage 3 rectal cancer, chemo, radiation, a bowel resection for Christmas, and an ileostomy reversal for my birthday.

Unlike everyone else who struggle with diarrhea, I have serious constipation issues. I eat a reasonably healthy diet, I'm trying to drink more water (I'm averaging about 40-50oz daily, which for me is amazing!), and I eat plenty of supplemental fiber. 40g of Fiber One cereal (65% of my daily fiber), a Nature Valley peanut/dark chocolate "granola style" bar (20% daily fiber), and 2 fiber gummies (20% daily fiber).

However, no matter what I do, I struggle to move my bowels. I'll go up to 10 or so times a day, and most days, I'm "squeezing nuggets." Even when I am able to produce good movements, it's difficult, and I spend a lot of time in the bathroom.

Without warning, I will also just stop. I get terribly sick, vomiting everything that I try to swallow because there just isn't room.

Does anyone else have constipation issues with their LARS, and what are you doing to help remedy it? Will I always have trouble with constipation? Any words of advice for spouses that just don't understand that I have no control over when I get sick? I know it'll take up to 2 years to get to a "new normal" (really starting to hate that term), but like so many others on this board, I need a little encouragement that things will get better.


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member

    Did your surgeon not mention anything to take? I take senokot-s ever couple of days to soften my bowel movements. If I don’t I get very constipated also. There’s also miralax and restoralax to help. You have to keep the bowels moving or you will get a blockage which is not a good thing to have. Good luck going forward.

  • feckcancer
    feckcancer Member Posts: 189 Member

    I had the opposite issue and one of the things that helped me was bentonite clay. it's meant to help with constipation too. you have a teaspoon into a glass of water once a day for 4 weeks. I've taken it a few times and each time it's really helped but it helped the best when I have taken it for the full 4 weeks. lots of info on the internet. check with your doctor before you take it especially if you are having any treatment. it will get better but do everything you can to help it get better. kia kaha

    Bentonite Clay Health Benefits and Side Effects (

  • Chris2328
    Chris2328 Member Posts: 19 Member

    Miralax. Try it once a day, and if that doesn't work, take it morning and night. It is a powder that mixes great with water and becomes tasteless and easy to down. Constipation SUCKS. I would check this recommendation with your doc to make sure they are ok with taking Miralax. I also drink prune juice, which I love. Go easy with it, because it can take you in the other direction. :)

  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member

    I had stage 3a colon cancer diagnosed in 2007. Surgery, chemo, radiation. In 2016 I had surgery to cut the bands of scar tissue that had formed after the surgery. Since then, I have had problems with chronic constipation. First, talk to your gastro entroenterologist. Usually, Miralax once a day is recommended. I continued to have issues and started working with a nutritionist too. It is a journey that does not end with the cancer being gone. I do not k now why this is not discussed on cancer boards m

  • Chris2328
    Chris2328 Member Posts: 19 Member

    Agree! A nutritionist can really make a difference. They have time to listen carefully to your experience. My nutritionist recommended taking Creon, which my doctor then prescribed, and post Whipple, it was the solution to being able to digest food.