Uterine Cancer



  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Good morning NannaK. You are in a very hard place right now. The unknown IS hard to deal with. BUT you have grade 1 cancer, which is called endometriod, And the majority of this type of cancer does not need treatment. Your chances of. having that are very good. There are no guarantees in this process but probability. When I was waiting for my biopsy report I found going to new places was helpful. I don't know why but a new park or a new restaurant took my mind off of it. Your team has certainly been quick and that is good. Don't be afraid of crying in front of your doctor. He gets it. It sounds like you will be in very good hands. I found recovering from the surgery very doable. I had robotic and then an abdominal incision too. The surgeon does biopsies right during surgery and mine felt the uterus was too big to remove robotically. I had serous carcinoma which is much more aggressive than your type. But I was early. That was four years ago. Hopefully your pathology report will be good and that will be the end of it. If not, we are here.


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    edited July 2022 #43

    I hear you. I am not normally an anxious person but I remember pacing the room the day of my surgery as I waited to be admitted. I guess that’s the key to the advice I have to offer-keep active and busy. My surgery and recovery went amazingly well and despite having a grade 3 tumor, I am still here more than 10 years later. I will be sending good thoughts your way Friday and will look forward to your update.

    I see you posted two days ago. I’m sorry no one got back to you sooner. We’re usually quicker.

  • RDGV
    RDGV Member Posts: 7 Member

    I'm about a month behind you... surgery is always scary. Just remember you have people who will (literally) be watching your every breath while you are in surgery. I DID cry when I saw my gyn yesterday. She just held me and let me sob. It feels... so unfair. so random. But I also know that there are people supporting me (like this group) and you and I will get through it. It's a fight, but we can do it. Standing strong with you (and maybe a little teary now then, too!)

  • NannaK
    NannaK Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thank you for the encouraging words and for the support. I have been keeping busy with my job and staying on top of things there before I hand things off to someone else for a bit. Honestly, I don't think any of it has really sunk in yet and maybe that's a good thing. I'm very happy to about 10 years! I will be thinking about all of these things tomorrow. And watching videos of my granddaughters all day today. Fortunately they're very close and are epically keeping me laughing when I'm not crying. There is so much power in women sharing their stories so I will be back once I'm on my feet again.

  • Maxster
    Maxster Member Posts: 102 Member

    I was stage 3C1 uterine serous cancer, a very aggressive cancer. I had surgery, carbo/taxol chemo and 25 rounds EBRT. The cancer was found in 10 of 14 lymph nodes that were examined. Treatment ended in April 2020 and I am still NED. Chemo was bearable. Constipation was horrific so I learned to take laxatives two days before and after each infusion. I had bone pain only after the first infusion. Exercise is very helpful in getting that poison through our system. Do as much as you can if only to walk around the house. Eat lotsa fiber and drink huge amounts of water. I found radiation to be much easier than chemo. Fatigue/less energy set in with both of these treatments. I do have some neuropathy in my feet so ice hands and feet throughout your chemo. That's about all I can add.