any dentist for after care?

yreepmac Member Posts: 1 Member
edited July 2022 in Esophageal Cancer #1

Hello - I am looking for some guidance / direction / help !

My wife had throat cancer and the radiation has taken a toll on her teeth, lots of breaking etc-  who do i need to know that can help assist in after cancer dental procedures - she is going to need the full mouth - possible veneers and caps and extractions 


any help would be appriciated - we are in the Atlanta area - no distance is too far for her comfort!


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    edited January 2021 #2
    Dental Care

    Like many cancer patients; after chemotherapy I had issues with my teeth. Several root canals and crowns, and a couple extractions. I would make sure that your dentist understands the issues caused by treatment. With the challenges I have had with my teeth over the years since my cancer diagnosis, if I had it to do over again, I would consider replacement with dentures using a four point dental implant method.

    I am afraid I can't recommend a specifc dentist, but you might consider asking your dentist for a referral to someone who specializes in dental reconstuction.

    Best Regards,


  • br_bernardo
    br_bernardo Member Posts: 23 Member
    I don't have a specific

    I don't have a specific recommendation but I remember my dad didn't take care of the dental problems for a while and it wasn't a good choice. Please don't let it go unaddressed. I pray you find the services your wife needs.

  • Rayduil_2
    Rayduil_2 Member Posts: 1 Member

    It is really hard to get a dentist for aftercare. A lot of dentists don't want to do all that work and are afraid that you may have complications and make them work more. You have to know this from the start, before you get your procedures done.

  • Rayduport
    Rayduport Member Posts: 2 Member

    It is really hard to get a dentist for aftercare. A lot of dentists don't want to do all that work and are afraid that you may have complications and make them work more. You have to know this from the start, before you get your procedures done. When I got my braces a few years ago at I had to look for an aftercare dentist too. I was lucky my dad had a friend that was a dentist and he helped me take care of my braces and my overall dental health during the whole three years of aftercare. I was very lucky to have him as my dentist.

  • cfedsas
    cfedsas Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi all! Who can recommend a good dentist in Ohio?

  • cfedsas
    cfedsas Member Posts: 2 Member

    Oral disease can contribute to other more serious conditions.

  • erinmcmi
    erinmcmi Member Posts: 9 Member

    Ohio State University Dental School has dental oncology clinic. They say it is the first in the nation. Google it

  • hummingbird5
    hummingbird5 Member Posts: 1 Member

    I have had Esophageal cancer, chemo, radiation, surgery, and now amino therapy. Recently found out that I have to have my teeth removed because of all of the above. I'm grateful to have every day, even though the days aren't like they used to be. I am lucky to have found an excellent dentist. His name is Grant Mason DDS, in Charleston, WV. He is very understanding and patient. He asks how my treatments are going and is truly concerned. He encourages me to text him with any questions or concerns too. I can't lay flat anymore and he is good at working on me while sitting up. His office also helps me on payments, since I'm financially strapped these days. I recommend him to anyone who may need a great dentist.

  • ancientguy
    ancientguy Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2024 #10

    My heart goes out to your wife; she’s been through so much already. For something as extensive as full-mouth work, it’s important to find a dentist who has experience with post-cancer care and understands how radiation affects oral health.
    I’d recommend reaching out to a dental practice that specializes in reconstructive work or complex cases. A place like could be a good starting point. Well, they can handle extractions, veneers, caps, and other restorative treatments and should be able to create a plan that’s comfortable and manageable for your wife.