Very worried

vafan Member Posts: 7 Member
edited August 2022 in Kidney Cancer #1

I am an elderly woman who has a 1.9 complex cyst/nodule/mass on the right kidney. I am to have an MRI probably next week. I am in good shape otherwise except for a controlled autoimmune disease. Any words of wisdom please?


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member

    Hi vafan. Sorry you had to join us, but you should find a lot of support here.

    I’m assuming the 1.9 is measured in centimeters? If so, I was in the same situation as you. In late 2013 (between Christmas and New Year), a routine physical showed I had microscopic traces of blood in my urine. Figuring it was a kidney stone, my doctor sent me for a CT, where they found a 1.5cm lesion on my right kidney. Fortunately, my insurance allowed me to be referred to Stanford, where I was seen very quickly by THE best doctor I’ve ever had (and I’ve had some very good ones). He took as much time as I needed answering every question my wife and I had. He recommended active surveillance (CT or Ultrasound every six months) because of the small size, since a percentage of growths of that size are not malignant. He assured me there was little risk of out of control growth or spread, but that if I could not handle it psychologically, he would arrange to have it removed (as he is not a surgeon). I had scans until mid-2016, when an ultrasound determined the little bugger had grown. I had surgery in mid-June (ironically, very close to our 37th wedding anniversary), and was in the hospital a total of 25 hours. Surgery was robotic and as minimally invasive as possible. I’ve had clean scans the last 6 years. My cancer was chromophobe type. It’s a very slow growing form that rarely spreads and rarely recurs.

    As for you, I would recommend that when you see your urologic oncologist after the MRI, make a list of the questions you want to ask. Also, bring someone along with you because there will be times you get distracted during an answer and another set of ears is helpful. Also, stay away from consulting Dr. Google. You can, quite literally, find web sites that give completely contradictory information on kidney cancer. Some is outdated, some is plain wrong and some is just some scam artist trying to make a buck.

    Finally, be aware that treatment options have improved dramatically in the last decade, as have tools for early detection. I’m not certain how your 1.9cm mass was found, but I’m willing to bet it was found while they were actually checking for something else, just like with me. Most masses of the size you have and I had have very successful treatment results. In my case, in 2016, my surgeon said surgery for growths this size results in a 99%+ cure…..not control, but complete cure.

    Your growth is small, it seems to have been found early and you’re otherwise in good health. You’ll have a successful outcome. We’ll be around for you the whole way.

  • vafan
    vafan Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thank you so much for your reply. It was indeed in cm and was found because I presented with back and side pain and they were checking for stones or obstruction. You have given me good advice and some comfort and hope. I hope to have the MRI next week and we will go from there. Thank you again and I am glad you have had such a good result.

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    I'm not sure how you define "elderly." I was 68 when I had a 7 cm growth and my left kidney removed four years ago - a total nephrectomy. 7 cm is still stage 1, so that tells you you do not have to be in a hurry, as small as yours is. I was in the hospital overnight and except for periodic scans, it hasn't affected my life too much.

  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    First of all don’t worry it’s very small I’m stage 3 mine was 4cm and grew into my fat that was 2 and a half years ago just go for your mri and it being so small it my be benign so don’t sit there and worry yourself sick over it you should be fine if you need to talk just message me

  • vafan
    vafan Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thank you both for your replies. I will be 82 next month so yes, I am elderly but a spry old bird. Y'all have helped me with your comments, I will just go with the MRI and go from there. Thanks again.

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    Oh, and my Dad had kidney cancer and a nephrectomy when he was 88!

  • suep16
    suep16 Member Posts: 9 Member

    aliceb thanks for the comment about dad. i am 75 facing kidney removal and have wondered if i was to old.

  • vafan
    vafan Member Posts: 7 Member

    I had an MRI and it was normal. I don't know what the radiologist saw on the ultrasound but it was not there in the MRI, thank goodness. Thank you to everyone who replied and gave such good advice!