After Carboplatin/Paclitaxel, hair regrowth

bien2023 Member Posts: 10 Member
edited April 2023 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

what are your experiences with the topic?


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    hello kerly. we welcome our gyn sisters so I am sure others will be along to chime in.

    I did have chemo, the carbo/platin combo every 21 days, but I had what they called the 'sandwich'. I had 3 chemo, then radiation, then another 3 chemo. I can tell you my hair did start to grow back in between the two rounds, and when I started the 2nd round of chemo, it didn't seem to fall out like it did the first time. (I joked that my body was used to the chemicals by then) I don't know the dosage, but it is pretty standard on it falling out since it kills off fast-growing cells and that is what hair is.

    As for regrowth, please keep in mind that everyone is different. For me, it came back first like super-fine baby hair. My last chemo was December and as it grew in differently, I got it cut and wore is short in April - so for me it was about 4 months. It definitely went through different stages! I had gray, then it was to curly - which is a bear when it is short, and as it grew longer after I washed it, it would dry in perfect ringlets like Shirley Temple. Craziest thing I ever saw!

    Eventually, it did grow out to the straight hair I had before, and for me, that took a few years while others will say theirs came back much quicker.

    I know this is all overwhelming dear. Take a breath. Please let us know how you are doing and all gyn cancer sisters are welcome here. Hugs dear.

  • bien2023
    bien2023 Member Posts: 10 Member

    thanks so much for the answer!

    may i know how old are you and how many years did pass from your last chemotherapy?

  • bien2023
    bien2023 Member Posts: 10 Member

    oh and after how many sessions of chemotehrapy your hair fell out? all your hair on your scalp did fall out? or just parts of your hair on your scalp? thanks

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited June 2022 #5

    I had a friend whose hair grew back very differently. Prior to chemo for uterine cancer, her hair had been straight and blond. After chemo, it came back as brown and curly and still is 20+ years after treatment (nowadays with help from hair dye!).

    Since my hair has always been straight and had been getting thinner even before chemo, I was actually hoping I’d get better, or at least different, hair after treatment. By my second chemo treatment I was losing my hair and I soon shaved off the weird looking bits. Because I had eight chemo treatments, (4 carbo/taxol and 4 others), my hair took longer to return than many other women here. But more than the hair loss, I actually missed my eyelashes. I hadn’t realized how much junk they keep out of your eyes until they’re gone.

    Many women like NoTime had an initial period where their hair grows in differently at first, until it finally reverts to its original color and texture. However, mine grew back exactly the same as before right from the start only, sadly, even thinner and has never gotten thicker, even five years after treatment.

    But your experience may be quite different. Most women here eventually do get back the hair they had before treatment.

    Also note that some women have used the “cold capping” technique to try to avoid hair loss. You can search this site for comments on this process.

  • bien2023
    bien2023 Member Posts: 10 Member

    what colour of hair do you have? and has your hair regrowth on all your scalp or incomplete? and after your last chemotherapy how long did your hair take to see at least the spot of hair on your scalp? thanks for replying!

  • bien2023
    bien2023 Member Posts: 10 Member

    and 4 carbo/taxol every how long? per week? every 21 days? thanks for replying again!

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    My hair is brown but getting gray as I age. The sparseness of my hair is all over my head, not just in one area. It's been several years and I don't really remember the timing of the regrowth but I have a photo from that October that showed my cat trying his best to stimulate my hair follicles. Unfortunately, it didn't work🙁

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    Because I had two different chemo phases with different drugs, the delivery schedule was different. The carbo/taxol phase was treatment for one day, every 3 weeks (which is typical for most women here).

    My second chemo phase was also at 21 day intervals, but as an inpatient for three days each time. This is NOT typical here as most women no longer receive the chemo drugs I had during that period as an initial treatment. (I had a rare form uterine cancer and my doctor wanted to try this unique combination treatment protocol).

    You can click on someone’s user name to read their profile. Not everyone enters information about their cancer and/or treatment on the profile, but some like me do.

  • bien2023
    bien2023 Member Posts: 10 Member

    october? which year? and what month did you have your last chemotherapy with taxol or the other drugs? how old are you?

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    The dates of my treatments are listed in my profile. I was diagnosed at 61 and received treatment when I was 62. The photo was from October 2017.

  • bien2023
    bien2023 Member Posts: 10 Member

    is your hair long now? can you show me how is your hair now? thanks so much!

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    Since this is forum that non-members can also access, I do not share any photos (or other information) that may be personally identifiable. I keep my hair short since I don't bother trying to style it anymore. As my hair started to thin after menopause, I was already wearing wigs for work and social events years before I had cancer. That continues to this day.

    But again, I reiterate that most women's hair does eventually grow back to match what they had before treatment. I just happened to inherit my mother's genetic legacy of thin hair that was heightened by chemo.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    kerly, I had treatment when I was 49 yo, which is almost 10 year now. It did start to fall out about 10-14 days after the first treatment. I remember standing outside and just shaking my hair with my fingers and watch it drift off in to the wind. I don't tell you that to frighten you, it was all very sad for me.

    After all this time I look back at it all very differently - believe me. As it got thinner, and it was time to go pick up my wigs, we just shaved it all off. I didn't want to wear the wigs all the time, and they were hot, and the wig shop told me about making an old t-shirt in to a head wrap.

    There are videos out there on this, but basically you need about a size Large t-shirt, measure up 15 inches from the bottom (which is just about under the armpits of the shirt). You put the bottom sewed edge across your forehead, smooth it back toward the back of your head, take the sides and twist it at the nape of your neck. As you keep twisting it wraps back around the front. Tip: go to a thift shop and look for some fancy designer t-shirt. they tend to be in pretty colors.

  • bien2023
    bien2023 Member Posts: 10 Member

    so your hair didn't fall out all? before all your hair fell out did you shaved?

    my hair already did fell out all after a week of the first chemotherapy, without even shave, so you won't frighten me.

    thanks for answering.

  • bien2023
    bien2023 Member Posts: 10 Member

    oh so the sparseness of your hair on your scalp was before of the chemotherapy and that wasn't because of the chemotherapy? thanks for replying!

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Hi, kerly

    I had the standard doses of paclitaxel and Carboplatin, 6 infusions, 3 weeks apart.

    My experience is a little different than some others because I did cold capping to try to save my hair. I still lost 50% - 60% of my hair (it is more successful for many others), but I accomplished two goals: 1) I was never bald, and 2) my hair came back quicker and is MY hair, not a forever-altered-chemo-version of my hair. I started shedding hair about day 17 or 18 after 1st infusion. Then the shedding accelerated for weeks…then finally slowed down. I continued to shed during the entire process. I started feeling stubble of regrowth after my 3rd infusion.

    I am 15 moths post-treatment now and my hair is growing at it’s normal rate… 1/2+ in. per month. The thing is…it didn’t ALL come back at once (of course!), so it is still a million different lengths. The bottom is below my shoulders, now, but the hair on the crown has a way to go to catch up. It basically looks like a Farrah Fawcett Shag….which I understand happens to be back in style. I get tons of compliments, but I am NOT happy with it! My hair won’t be back to it’s pre-cancer self —long layers below my shoulders…for at least another 6 mths.

    Yes….I’m thrilled I survived and I’m still here, but the hair mess really bothers me. I never needed or had a wig, and became quite the hat girl. Originally, I kept what I had up under my hats, but now there’s just way too much of it. I’ve always had wavy and curly hair. I’m not doing anything to it, just letting it do it’s thing…no products, no blow drying, no heat. I just comb it and put my hat on. I can’t begin to make it look like I want to, so no point in trying. I look in the mirror, shake my head, and laugh! It’s Impossible!

    That’s my $.02!

    Best to you in your treatments. I’m glad you found us.

    ❤️, A

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    So for my late reply. All my hair did fall out - I was bald - in fact I went and found the Seinfeld clip where George is telling Jerry, "She's BALD!" and sent it to friends. It had started to regrow during the six weeks of radiation and when I went for my second round of chemo it fell out - but some of it kind of didn't. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

  • bien2023
    bien2023 Member Posts: 10 Member

    oh you didn't have paclitaxel? only carboplatin?