Esophageal wall thickening



  • mistylea34
    mistylea34 Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thank you so very much the team here fix the problem they removed my personal information and I get what your saying. It's just so scary cause reading on this seems like this is a death sentence and only small hope is fast biopsy. It makes me feel like I only have days left I know this isn't true I'm just scared thank u so much u have really helped me more then you know.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,503 Member

    Very Good Misty

    Keep us posted on your progress.

    Take Care God Bless-Russ

  • mistylea34
    mistylea34 Member Posts: 16 Member

    I may have already asked you this if I did I'm sorry but what is your opinion on why my test says head and neck cancer under indication are they saying that that test indicated that I had had a neck cancer or did they put that there is a reason to do the test?

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,503 Member

    Well, Misty, I am not exactly sure.

    Usually, they don't call it cancer till it is confirmed with a biopsy. Unless someone looked in there with a scope, were you scoped? My first cancer was throat cancer and my ENT scoped me and could see the tumor so he knew it was cancer by seeing it. But I still got a biopsy to determine what type of cancer it was which determines how they treat it and what chemo drugs to use on it. It was squamous cell cancer which is what most H&N cancers are. You may be right about what you say that they are doing it to justify the test. Maybe the word suspect like suspect cancer should be in there and they slipped up. Or like you say it verifies the test.

    Anyway, I hope you are finding some comfort and I wish you the best going forward.

    Take Care God Bless-Russ

  • mistylea34
    mistylea34 Member Posts: 16 Member

    I just wonder if the radiologist suspects cancer and that's why you put that there I'm terrified I'm not handling this well at all which worries me because if they do come back with a bad biopsy how am I going to handle it then it doesn't help reading about this online either because it just says most people die within months esophagus cancer. How is your cancer going what other kind did you have

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,503 Member
    edited June 2022 #27

    OK, Misty for now you have to quit focusing on this and making it the center of all your thoughts. If you do have a biopsy indicating cancer I tell you these days there are many treatments and ways they can handle it. But for now, you have to get this what-if out of your mind because there is no end to it what if, what if this happens or that happens. You have to deal in straight facts and just focus on today and come Monday morning you can call your doctor and ask them all your questions and express your concerns and again have just plain truths and facts to deal with. In the meantime get a notebook or just sheets of paper, whatever you have and calm down and start writing down specific questions you have in an orderly fashion so you will not forget anything and you can ask your questions when you call your doctor and you will have them right in front of you. But you may have so many, I don't know, that you may be better off scheduling an appointment and going into the docs office. Also, the next thing is you may end up with a lot of information and terms and explanations thrown at you when you go in for any office visits. So Take along your notebook and a pen. Take along a family member or a trusted friend to be with you, 2 sets of ears and minds are better than one, what you forget the other person will remember and the other person is not the patient so they will hear and understand better because they are not emotionally invested in this. Also, ask if you can video or voice record your office visit on your phone so you can look and or listen back on it. There is a very good app on Android and probably Apple called just that "Voice Recorder". People do not die within months of esophageal cancer I don't know where you read that but it's Bull, stay away from the general websites and be sure you are in a reliable forum where people speak facts and have your best interest at heart. For medical information stick with hospital and cancer treatment centers like Johns Hopkins, and MD Anderson places like that. I am not going to talk anymore in reference to you having cancer for now because you don't have an official diagnosis, an official biopsy, or an official doctor report confirming it. From the information you have given me right now is you have a restriction in your throat that is giving you swallowing issues and you are in the process with your doctors of doing tests to determine what the problem is. Until you have something official or one of your doctors informing you of such with a positive diagnosis, at this point you officially don't have cancer. With all that said I have had cancer 3 times and it is a long story, but 2 of them were major and I have had experience with more medical than I desire. I can't go into my story here but you can read all about it. Just click on my picture, avatar, whatever and then click on view profile and you can read about my cancer and medical experiences. So calm down, take a walk, relax, and free your mind of this until you talk to your doctor either by phone or by visit and remember these 2 things we always say on here. No matter what you think---

    "It ain't cancer till they say it's cancer"

    NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

    I hope all this help somehow I don't know what else to tell ya.

    Misty-Wishing You the Best

    Take care, God Bless-Russ

  • mistylea34
    mistylea34 Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thank you so much. I'm sorry I'm so anxious I'm taking your advice thank u again