
Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member
edited June 2022 in Prostate Cancer #1

I went in for my annual PSA check and meeting with my urological surgeon's P.A. today.

My seventh 'undetectable,' which means no residual PCa that current technology can detect. I give thanks.

For the many newbies here, I was diagnosed Stage 2 in 2014, had DaVinci proctectomy in early 2015. Good luck to all, and know that this journey, often, goes better than expected at the outset.



  • lighterwood67
    lighterwood67 Member Posts: 397 Member

    Well, certainly great news. Good luck to you on your journey.

  • Rob.Ski
    Rob.Ski Member Posts: 182 Member

    Great news. Glad to hear it.

  • Damp
    Damp Member Posts: 25 Member

    Good to hear. I recently had my 5 year post PSA check, and I too have had it come back undetectable each time. I will be having mine checked yearly for another 5 years. The not so good news is that I'm still incontinent, and will probably be so for the rest of my life. My age and previous bladder issues prior to my prostatectomy are most likely to blame. My incontinence is so unpredictable, diapers have become necessary. As we age, most of us are confronted with a variety of health issues. It takes time to adjust to a new normal, but what other choice do we have?

  • Tico14
    Tico14 Member Posts: 51 Member

    Max, happy for you. Damp, I'm in the same boat but "Soaked" not damp. PCa detected in 2018, RALP 2018, PSA's every three months for 6 months, then once every six months all undetectable. Now changed to having PSA checked annually. I attribute my problem to age as I was 71 when it was discovered. Thousands of Kegels didn't work, so the VA supplies my absorbent materials. Even with PSM and EPE no recurrence and no adjuvant therapy. It could be a lot worse.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,586 Member

    Sorry to read about these side effects, but as Tico mentioned,

    It could be a lot worse.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,266 Member

    Congrats on your undetectable, hopefully many more. I was also diagnosed in 2014 and had Davinci surgery, so far undetectable. Just a little stress leakage with weird body movements or lifting controlled by a light pad. Irrections not too bad for a 70 yr. old guy. My cancer was just about ready to leave the barn, I consider myself lucky……………

    Dave 3+4

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    Congratulations 🎊 Max,

    Another Zero means another day to celebrate. Will think of you with a glass of my Esporão red.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,586 Member

    I am quite a bit late, but after I celebrated your result with a bottle of Vasco's wine, I fell asleep...
