Serous cell treatment



  • cdurante
    cdurante Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi I’m so glad to find this post. I have had a difficult time finding any answers for my serous endometrial cancer. I had a complete hysterectomy with ovaries also removed on 9/30/21. The results were stage IIIC1 already had spread to an ovary and a lymph node. Finished chemo treatments and 3 brachytherapy treatments and after my 3 month CT scan it shows a recurrence. My oncologist said my immune system fought off the treatments thinking it was protecting my immunity or something like that. He now wants to do immunotherapy treatment every 3 weeks and a pill daily for the rest of my life. I now have an appointment next week at John Hopkins with a top Oncologist who specializes in this field. Thank you all for listening. Camille

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Welcome Camille. I'm sorry to read about your diagnosis but you are not alone! We all have different mutations. I think they are finding that has a huge effect on our response to treatment. Immunotherapy will be specially prescribed for the mutations your tumor has. You are going to a very good Cancer Center. Many women have responded very well to immunotherapy. Once you find out what will be prescribed Im sure you can find women here who have experienced the same medicine. It helps to know women who have stood in your shoes as they say

  • cdurante
    cdurante Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thank you so much for your kind words 🤗

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    I did send an email. Did you receive it? I am hoping more women will respond, but as I said in the email, if you create a new post by clicking on the blue plus sign in the lower right corner, more people will see your question.


  • Maxster
    Maxster Member Posts: 102 Member

    I was diagnosed with Stage 3C1 serous cancer in September of 2019. I am currently NED. Serous is a very aggressive cancer so I would get a second opinion. Chemo takes care of any cells that may have escaped into your system. Radiation is only local treatment. There is a Facebook group for Uterine Papillary Serous Cancer that I suggest you join. Because this is a rare cancer, it's hard to find a lot of people with it. You could post your question there too. Good luck! I hope you beat this beast!