Suggestions for 3-4 hour drive home after partial/full robotic nephrectomy

DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member
edited June 2022 in Kidney Cancer #1

I will be having either a partial or full robotic nephrectomy next Friday. Although my lesion is small (under 2cm) the location is in a difficult location near vital structures. This is why I don't know if I will have a partial or full until the actual surgery. My drive home will be 3-4 hours & hopefully without complications, I will be able to leave 1-2 days after the procedure.

Does anyone have suggestions on what they did that made their long drive home less difficult?


  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    Get yourself a pillow to help with the pain try to rest and take something for pain good luck you will do great

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    Stop every half hour or so and walk around. Painful as it may be to get in and out of the car, it's better than getting blood clots. Wear compression socks for the drive. Make sure your medical team knows in case they have suggestions or precautions. Good luck!

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Yes to both suggestions above. Bring a pillow - it can help keep the seat belt off any sore areas.

    You're going to do great. We're with you!

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    All good suggestions! May it be a smooth surgery and recovery.

  • DancingBluebird
    DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thank you all for the kind responses. As a Christ follower, He has provided the path forward. All is in His will & grace.

    For all of you facing surgery, recovery & support of loved ones, may I leave you with this prayer for your care -

    "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance." Jude2

  • Willbern
    Willbern Member Posts: 8 Member

    All the advices given is great, but make sure you can get a good dose of pain med before you leave the hospitals.

  • Grateful_Dad
    Grateful_Dad Member Posts: 3 Member

    All of the above comments are great. Calming music, pillows and blanket, and have the driver be aware of pot holes, road construction. The slightest bump can hurt bad. With that, let your driver know to drive slow and steady. My ride home after my radical nephrology surgery was 1.5 hour drive, and felt longer even though I was doped up. So, take it slow, take it easy, and most importantly, take care. We’re all in this together!

  • Willbern
    Willbern Member Posts: 8 Member

    Glad to hear that all went well. Praying that you will have a speedy recovery and stay safe and take care also.

  • DancingBluebird
    DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member

    Arrived home today - what I learned.

    1. Fill your spirit with Christ. Fear leaves when you wake up & thank Him for finding the mass, providing treatment, & offers friends & family who are genuine. Hope is a wonderful gift.
    2. Read, read, read some more. Ask question. Information is power. Ask for guidance from others (this forum)
    3. For long trips home - a king size pillow for the side of the surgery. Recline the seat & have another pillow for behind your head. Ask for pain & nausea meds prior to the trip
    4. Practice getting in & out of the vehicle, your bed, etc. Wear slip on shoes. Bending over isn't easy.
    5. Trust your team - they are dedicated, know what they are doing. Second guessing isn't helpful.
    6. Be honest about your health history. This is not the time to have a guessing game for your surgery team.
    7. Be thankful for family who have to watch & care during this time.
    8. Dont let the disease become your identity. If you dont want to share details, set boundaries that work for you.
    9. Be proactive with getting meetings. It is amazing how asking a medical person to speak on your behalf often gets you in sooner.
  • DancingBluebird
    DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member

    I arrived home today. My biggest challenge has been the nausea that happens - whether from anesthesia or narcotics. Does anyone have things besides popping antinausea pills that gave them relief? I find the nausea makes the pain worst & harder to cope with surgery.

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    Bluebird so glad you're home and have the surgery behind you. I didn't experience much nausea after I got home. I have found that ginger root helps with nausea. I pray for you to continue to be filled 🙏 with hope and 💪. God bless you.

  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 243 Member

    Bluebird I love your list and the scriptures that help you. Did you end up with partial or full? I don't remember nausea, but I had weird trouble swallowing. As you say - I don't know if that was anesthesia, narcotics, tube - I was thinking ginger ale so Deanie and I are on the same track. Be patient and easy with yourself and your recovery. Sounds like you are well on your way. Take care ~

  • DancingBluebird
    DancingBluebird Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks Jazzgirl & Deanie0916 for comments. I had a partial robotic. All went smoothly - approx 80% of kidney saved & totally removed. I am awed by this gift. Although is was small, it was a complex & difficult mass to remove. I like ginger but was told to avoid since it can thin your blood. Thankfully the nausea has calmed down.

  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    Oh good you had just as much saved as I did I’m glad your through it you will start getting stronger every day I’m glad it’s over for you