Labs, Scans, and Nerves Again - I am afraid again about my rcc follow ups

Kidney_Cancer_Kid Member Posts: 46 Member
edited May 2022 in Kidney Cancer #1

A few days ago, I thought: Yet again, I will go into have veinous puncture(s) to find a good spot to draw blood. There will be digging in my arm. Then, a too small specimen cup will be handed to me to use. Messy! Then they lay me on the table and position me to see what masses are messing with me. Everyone wants a piece or picture of me.

I was making light fun of what causes me to be fearful every single time. What are the results? What new problems will they find? Did my tumors grow, the benign ones or the cancerous one? Do I want to know? Do I want that news? Fears fill me every time. I have appointments coming up to discuss results, more labs and my scan schedule for ultrasounds, CTs, and MRIs. Every time I'm scheduled . . . my mind churns out questions that make my blood pressure increase and my symptoms become worse. Staying calm is best for rational decisions. I'll have to make plans and decisions. I need to be calm.

So, I took the tests, my doctor will give me the news, and decisions will be made. The news could be good. I just need some lavender aromatherapy with funny cat videos to make me laugh.

Why am I so worried? It is not my first time with cancer tests nor my first cancer . . . nor my current cancer. Anyone who has good news, great news, . . . please let me know.



  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    Are you being followed for a small tumor that hasn't been removed yet?

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

  • Kidney_Cancer_Kid
    Kidney_Cancer_Kid Member Posts: 46 Member

    I am being followed for a hopefully still benign mass on my remaining left kidney. The nephrectomy took the first cancer - small slow growing tumor. The radiofrequency ablation treated and ended the second - small slow growing tumor. Then, I have a angiomyolipoma, the benign mass, to monitor. I have to be scanned for the past rcc (I fear a third one.) and other masses on different schedules. The current cancer is a neuroendocrine pancreatic one - small very slow growing with appointments already scheduled.

    My body grows masses that are benign and malignant when it wants to, so any new mass must be scanned, biopsied, etc. I even had genetic testing, without answers. That makes me worry each time I go for tests and results. I feel like a genetic mutant without superpowers. I just feel so lost.


  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    That's a lot of kidney history! I sympathize, I've had four different types of cancer and I'm always waiting for #5 to pounce. I try to see scans as good things, no scarier than a blood test, that will help my doctors (and me!) catch anything early. Good luck!

  • Kidney_Cancer_Kid
    Kidney_Cancer_Kid Member Posts: 46 Member

    Thank you so much AliceB1950!

    I had some change in the benign kidney mass. My CKD that resulted from the rcc surgery had some issues (my only kidney has inflammation) and another medicine will be ordered for this issue. The doc wants me to be more concerned for my other conditions (like the pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer) and not recurrent rcc, not the benign mass, and not my CKD. He likes what medicine I'm using, my exercise schedule, my pain management techniques, and my food choices, excluding my minor treats. Most of my lab results and scans were not bad. YEAH!!!!!! No new kidney cancer issues!!!!!!!! New appointments were made. He wants to see me more frequently. Still, I'll relax for the rest of the week. RELIEF!!!!!!!


  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    Great news!

  • Kidney_Cancer_Kid
    Kidney_Cancer_Kid Member Posts: 46 Member

    Thank you!

    Any good or great news for you and yours?


  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    Good news I liked my scans at three months I knew if they did find anything it was early I’m at six months now don’t know how I feel about that good news though thinking about you

  • Kidney_Cancer_Kid
    Kidney_Cancer_Kid Member Posts: 46 Member


    A fellow survivor told me that her doctors gave her the "no hope" news and she celebrated my good scan and her pet's birthday. Then, another survivor with rcc like me took a turn. I was sad for her and worried about my future. I guess we celebrate when and where we can, right? Now, I'm thinking about those other survivors. . .

    What I have to say about cancer . . . such words are not allowed here!


  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    I know the feeling ii feel it everyday