Ct Scan

PeggyJoan Member Posts: 4 *
edited May 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1


Brand new here. I had a colonoscopy last week and a biopsy (no polyps) was taken in the cecum. The results:


Colon, cecum, submuocsal mass, biopsy: Colonic mucosa with lymphoid aggregate.

My doctor ordered a CT scan and I was told I have somewhat enlarged lymph nodes (possible metastasis) in the same area and thickening of the walls. I have not seen a report - this was read to me by a nurse. LIver, pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, clear.

Needless to say, I am very worried. Cancer was not mentioned, but I think it must be indicative of cancer.

I know this is premature, but honestly, I don't know where else to go. I am waiting to hear from the doctor. I suppose I am asking if anyone has had anything similar at the beginning?

Thanks everyone,



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Hello Peggy, and welcome to the forum that nobody wants to be a part of.

    You have entered a period of intense worry. I think it must be even worse, the not knowing for sure.

    I hope that your CT Scan is scheduled soon, so that you can get some solid answers. Before that, maybe you could talk to your Doctor and ask him, if Cancer is a possibility. Nurses are great, but hearing it from the Doctor, who can explain things in more detail, is better. I don't know why they think they can just leave you hanging in limbo. You deserve answers and I would pursue them.

    Try to take things one day at a time. Look at what can or cannot be accomplished now, and eliminate the things you have no control over.

    You have come to the right place, even if it is, and we hope it is, for a short duration, and you find out that you don't have Cancer.

    We are here for you.


  • PeggyJoan
    PeggyJoan Member Posts: 4 *

    Hello Tru,

    I re-read my post and realize I was not clear. I actually have had my CT Scan and am awaiting results from my doctor. A nurse from my GP saw the report when I called about possible Covid, and she read it to me. (probably should not have) My GP called me a bit later and repeated what her nurse read.

    You have given me great advice. I will talk with the doctor for sure tomorrow. I will insist! I want to tell you that your advice to 'eliminate the things you have no control over' was profound and so releasing.

    I think I will sleep tonight! Thank you so much for reminding me I am not alone. You are a dear. I am actually breathing.



  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 720 Member

    Advice: Get all reports for your files.

    Record all appt's so you can review later. Some important info you might miss but if recorded you have it.

    Research everything the report and docs say.

  • PeggyJoan
    PeggyJoan Member Posts: 4 *

    SnapDragon, thank you. Very good advice. (my daughter just taught me how to record) I am still waiting for a call from my gastroenterologist regarding my CT Scan. It has been three days. I called his office and am transferred to his nurse with whom I had already spoken.

    I am learning patience. I am pretty sure I will not get the news I want, but I will deal. I am not alone which makes all the difference in the world.

  • Wadsdan777
    Wadsdan777 Member Posts: 20 Member

    Hi Peggy, for what its worth - i found this question answered on another forum by ( apparent ) doctors, please check it out, it may help put your mind at ease.

    Very good advice you have already recieved also