Possible UTI after prostatectomy + increased bloody leaks

moksha2022 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited May 2022 in Prostate Cancer #1

So I had a prostatectomy around April 10. Catheter out a week later. I was doing OK - managing incontinence fairly well. Things seemed hopeful. At the start of the third week I started to see an increased amount of blood in urine. Started leaking more and always there would be real blood. Doctor had a urine sample done. See attached. I'm waiting for an interpretation. My concern is both the blood and the frequency with which I leak - simple movement etc. This was NOT true immediately after catheter removed. I was able to manage. I'm told that seeing significant blood a few weeks after surgery is not uncommon. Have others experienced this?


  • Rob.Ski
    Rob.Ski Member Posts: 182 Member

    I pulled catheter day 9 after RP. Had relatively clear urine a few days prior to that. If urine wasnt clear they said it could delay catheter removal. They also instructed me not to lift anything over 10lbs for a month. I was told picking up anything heavy could cause damage and lead to incontinence. Only had a few drops of blood a day or two after catheter removal.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,266 Member


    Sounds like you have a UTI. Hopefully your Urologist will treat with antibiotics and your symptoms will subside. It takes awhile to heal after surgery so some blood might be expected, again your Urologist should confirm if you are on track. Keep doing your Kegal exercises which will help you strengthen your sphincter muscles to help control your urine leakage. Hopefully these are temporary set backs……….

    Dave 3+4

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member


    I think that the blood is due to infection. You will need specific antibiotics for enterobacter cloacae. Not all treat this type of UTI.

    The typical symptoms caused by this bacteria is an urge to urinate and burning sensation while urinating, which seems to correspond to your description.

    You should start treatment the soonest to avoid spreading the infection to the kidneys.



  • moksha2022
    moksha2022 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Well - it will be treated as a UTI, despite the "numbers" being low.

    Waiting on an analysis to determine which antibiotic.

    Thanks for the comments. I'll let you know how goes.

    Kegeling all the way. ;-)

  • moksha2022
    moksha2022 Member Posts: 9 Member

    I did go on an antibiotic and within a week the symptoms had largely abated.

    But - I still have had brief experiences of blood in the urine. Usual triggered by some form of exertion. So far that's only twice since i completed the antibiotic. Clears up within a day. I try to limit exertion, avoiding heavy weights - but it still happens at times. Keeping my doc informed.

  • Rob.Ski
    Rob.Ski Member Posts: 182 Member

    Has your incontinence changed any antibiotics?

  • moksha2022
    moksha2022 Member Posts: 9 Member

    The only positive change has been - oddly - at night. So far not the torrent it was. I wake up with full bladder and make it to the toilet without accident. During the day it's still an issue - movement/activity triggers leakage. So - laughter or a cough. But the severity may be diminishing, or maybe I'm just adapting. I'll update if any changes.