
Gwfl Member Posts: 39 Member

I'm 3.5 years in remission for DLBCL. My last PET scan was clear but my bloodwork noted a rise in my M-spike from 1.2 to 1.6g/dL. Oncologist is out of town and PA was the one noting it....said she would confer with Oncologist but as of yet has not got back to me.

What might this indicate. I don't what to jump to any conclusions.



  • Gwfl
    Gwfl Member Posts: 39 Member

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,512 Member

    Sorry to hear of your concern. Do you have the results over a span of time? That is helpful as it allows you to note if this number is unusual or just once of many spikes. It may be that additional testing is needed to determine the significance of this, or to just watch the trend. For peace of mind, you might call the office and see if a nurse can ask another hematologist what this might mean in your case.

  • Gwfl
    Gwfl Member Posts: 39 Member

    The previous number was 1.2 but I neglected to ask when that was or what numbers may have preceded it. There was a concern last year enough to send me for a biopsy...which turned out clear. Don't know if that was related to M-spike numbers.

    I have an appointment Thursday so I hope I'll get some answers then. Hope I'll be more and ask better questions then. I'll post afterwards to follow up.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,512 Member

    In many cases a single high number means little to nothing - just a high point in the normal ebb and flow of numbers. Thursday seems like a long time to wait, but it will be here soon.

  • Gwfl
    Gwfl Member Posts: 39 Member

    Finally had my appointment with my oncologist to review my bloodwork. He assured me there was nothing to be concerned about, my earlier bone biopsy being clear and PET being clear. The M-spike, monoclonal gammopathy spike was not significant in it's self (as you suggested po18guy) but we will redo bloodwork in 4 months to keep an eye on it. His comment was "you don't have multiple myeloma"....of course my paranoid mind has to add...yet.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,512 Member

    A single high number, in isolation, means little to nothing - just a high point in the normal ebb and flow of numbers. I have had any number of numbers which would normally be concerning. At one point, I had 5 of the 9 symptoms of pancreatic cancer. You know what? I didn't. Still don't.

    I could worry about exhaling, suspecting that I might not inhale. Worries are unlimited. The mind seeks concerns, but we are better served by seeking enjoyment in whatever moments we can find during the day.