Endometrial biopsy out of the blue....very scared

Truchazul Member Posts: 6 Member

Hi......I am waiting for my biopsy results and am feeling petrified. I went for my yearly check up last week and the gynecologist found my endometrium to be 8.9mm thick..I'm 61 and and have been post menopausal for 6 years....I have no symptoms, no bleeding and so was so shocked. I had the biopsy done then and there because my doctor said it was too thick to be normal....apparently 5mm is the maximum for post menopause. The doctor said it was most likely a polyp but thought it better to check just in case....I literally stumbled out of there in a state.....I was hoping that some of the lovely ladies on here could answer some questions...which I should have asked my doctor but was so shocked at the time...I didnt.

I am confused as to what kind of results I might get back.....I think I could have simple thickening of the endometrium for some unknown reason....(late menopause perhaps.....?) Or atypical cells which would mean I would have to have something further done....? Or cancer of the uterus which would involve a hysterectomy and/or quemo etc....depending on the involvement or not of other organs. Please can anybody correct me or add to this perception.??

I haven't told any of my family......I think they will probably freak out...my daughter will definitely be very upset and I don't think I can handle upsetting her that much....my husband works away and it would be very stressful for him too, to not be here.....

I am waiting for the results to come into my patients app directly but I didn't even ask how long it would take (again I literally ran out of the doctors office) and I am getting more stressed each day that passes.....I have a follow up appointment on May 19th

The procedure in itself (I had it done a week ago) wasn't that painful or traumatic....I have had 3 kids..light cramps....still having them on and off and light watery spotting.....first time ever, since I started the menopause....

I think I just needed to tell somebody about what has happened since I can't bring myself to tell my family.....any input from you lovely people would be hugely appreciated.


  • Quiltergal
    Quiltergal Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited May 2022 #2

    Hello, Wait for the biopsy results. It may not be what you fear. Uterine cancer, if that is the case is treatable and curable in many cases. It’s hard to say don’t worry. I know how you must feel as many on this board do.. 💕

  • Truchazul
    Truchazul Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hi Quiltergal......I am so sorry to hear that you have to have a hysterectomy....hopefully you will make a full recovery.....

    My shock came mostly because I didnt have any bleeding at all......I had no symptoms and was fully expecting a routine check up the same as every previous year.....I didnt go because I had symptoms or bleeding...I had none.....It was just a regular yearly pap smear......

    I count the minutes of the hours and days waiting for my results...I am trying to keep busy just to make the hours pass quicker..

    Good luck with your procedure.....I will be thinking of you..

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Welcome! You can find lots of good information here. But please remember you have a low chance of having cancer. Reading the board here are women who had a positive biopsy usually. The women with negative biopsies usually leave the board and go about their lives. One in ten biopsies is positive for cancer. And there are different types of endometrial cancer. About 70% of those are low grade and most of those require little or no treatment. It is still really scary to not know. You should be able to get your biopsy results before May 19. I would ask for them.

    I had a very hard time talking to anyone about my biopsy. They had many questions I couldn't answer. I ended up telling VERY few people. And as it turned out I didn't have treatment so I didn't need to tell many people. Try and keep busy. Your chances are very good that the biopsy will be negative.


  • Quiltergal
    Quiltergal Member Posts: 29 Member

    Sue is right. Think positive and I would call about my biopsy. I don’t understand why you have to wait so long. Be proactive

  • Quiltergal
    Quiltergal Member Posts: 29 Member

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member


    We ladies on this board know how fear builds waiting on biopsy and test results and thoughts can go to a negative place very quickly. We play out scenarios that may never happen.

    I feel you are waiting a very long time for an answer. I received a call within days of my biopsy results. I suggest you call the Doctor for yours. ((Hugs)) and my Best thoughts coming your way.

  • Truchazul
    Truchazul Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you for your comments....!....it will be quite difficult to speak to the Gynecologist because I just booked myself in for a check up on my medical insurance app....I had never seen her before.....my regular gynecologist was busy for the next few months and I have lots going on in summer so though I would just pop into my local walk in center and get my pap smear done and get it out of the way.....I think this gynie only works there a few days a week and I don't even have her number....I never imagined I would need it.....

    I go to this walk in center for most of my regular blood tests etc and I always get the results within a day directly on my insurance app...so I am really surprised that I haven't had anything back....I suppose that itsbecause its a biopsy...that its taking so long....then again I am thinking that perhaps no news is good news and if it was somethong more serious they would have phoned me or gotten in touch somehow??....I am going to wait out today and phone this afternoon if I don't get any news.

    Thank you again.... ladies....I will keep you updated.

  • Truchazul
    Truchazul Member Posts: 6 Member

    A quick update.......spoke to the clinic.....they said the results should take two weeks to come through......!

    So nothing for it but to try to calm down and keep myself busy....have visitors arriving on Saturday for a week....so I will have plenty to do.....and I'll be forced to have a happy face on....!

    I'll report back once I get the results.

    Thanks to all again for your kind words......

  • Truchazul
    Truchazul Member Posts: 6 Member

  • Quiltergal
    Quiltergal Member Posts: 29 Member

    Try to occupy yourself and enjoy your company. Have a good visit !

  • Truchazul
    Truchazul Member Posts: 6 Member


    I have just recieved the results of my biopsy....apparently there was very little amount of material for them to examine but what there was is normal...no atypical cells...some inflamed cells......but nothing seriously out of the ordinary...their diagnosis was cells compatible with an atrophic uterus.....

    Im not sure what this means but Im happy with the "no atypical" part.

    I would be grateful if anybody who has had this diagnosis could enlighten me.

    I have an appointment with my gynie next Thursday to go over the results but I am feeling much more positive.

    Thanks to all.....

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    That is good news. You can relax and just discuss it with your doctor. As far as that diagnosis, it sounds like a negative biopsy to me! Normal. Most women with that result drift away from the board. We are here to support you through that scary process.