5/3/22 Update to My Possible EC Thread

rnj79 Member Posts: 5 Member

I just wanted to give an update to my previous thread and thank you all for your words of encouragement! I had to step away from this forum as it was very overwhelming to me.

My ECC on 4/8 came back clear so we moved forward with surgery. I am now 6 days post robotic-assisted hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy. Things are going well. The pain has gotten much, much better. The main thing I am battling now is a lack of energy, but I do have an amazing husband and teenage daughter to help me. And our two sweet doxies have been the best "nurses"!

I did receive my pathology report overnight. It did not show cancer, but it did show Complex Hyperplasia with Atypia (which my uterine biopsy in December missed!). I also see mentions of uterine fibroids and a polyp, which were not seen on my TVUS in November. I guess they were underneath the lining? Is that a thing? Also, acute and chronic endocervicitis was noted. And last but not least, paratubal cysts in both fallopian tubes- which I have never heard of before. Anyone else? My 2 week post-op appt is May 10th.

Long story short... I am so glad I pushed for answers because as it turns out, this hysterectomy was absolutely necessary.

Here is the link to my original post back in March:



  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    It sounds like good news though. You had pre cancer and now it is gone. Thanks for coming back. We always hope for good news. I had cysts on an ovary. I have never heard of cysts in the tubes, but I have learned to never say never with disease. I hope your recovery continues to improve.

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    It sounds like your surgery was able to resolve a number of problems that you had and eliminate the chance of the precancerous changes of the endometrium turning into endometrial cancer. That's excellent news! Glad that you persisted in seeking treatment. I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly.