NED since 2007 with new Squamous Cell Carcinoma HNC opposite side

jkinobay Member Posts: 298 Member
edited May 2022 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Thankfully there is a ton of info here. Can someone help me navigate to the "latest and greatest" advice for upcoming IMRT? I had 35 treatments to the left tonsil area in 2007 and it looks like I am going to have to have another 35 to the right tonsil area now, 15 years later. Given the likely advances in technology and subsequent meds, I am guessing this time may be less uncomfortable and with fewer side-effects than last. So far it looks like I will not have Chemo this time either. I really think Chemo in 2007 caused at least half of my problems. But not sure.

Thoughts from you guys?


Jim K


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,493 Member

    Thoughts are sorry you got cancer again after all these years. But you never know I guess none of us are ever exempt no matter what. I would say rads or chemo are not good but we do what we have to to get rid of the cancer. But if you can skip the chemo that would be good. They both have the risk of side effects though. The only other thing I could add is proton therapy may be better if it is in your area mention it to your doc. Here are a couple links that may help.

    Wishing you the best

    Take care God Bless Russ

  • jkinobay
    jkinobay Member Posts: 298 Member

    Thanks so much. I will definitely look into it. Stay well. JK

  • Unknown
    edited April 2022 #4
    This content has been removed.
  • Chillg8r
    Chillg8r Member Posts: 87 Member

    Sorry you’re having to go though this again. I think the fact that you’ve “been there” will help, you know the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t another train…..remember your last experience and be proactive. Get a feeding tube if you think you’ll need one, no need to wait unless you choose that. Stay ahead of the pain and nausea……NEGU

  • jkinobay
    jkinobay Member Posts: 298 Member

    Thank you Chillg8r.

    The latest on my new cancer is that all the Docs are recommending surgery as the best option. I was referred to a TORS surgeon in Tucson, met with him this past Friday, the 6th. He delved into all of my records dating back to the first occurrence in 2007 and was to present the whole situation to a group known as The Tumor Board yesterday, Wednesday the 11th and let me know what their recommendation was. Still waiting for that call.

    I told him if the TORS procedure could be confined to the actual tumor site, which is the base of what remains of the left tonsil which is really just scar tissue, that would be great. But, that if their combined opinion was that he should perform radical neck dissection and/or base of tongue, then I would probably take my chances with another 35 radiation treatments. As it turns out my Rad Oncologist has confirmed that the 35 treatments I had in 2007 were confined to the neck and RIGHT tonsil areas. No radiation to the LEFT tonsil area. So he says radiation is doable but of course a bit risky since I had the max lifetime dose to the RIGHT side back then.

    May have to look for replacement KEVLAR pants as I hadn't planned on extended time being seated on the proverbial pins and needles.

    Thanks again......................more news as it comes JK

    Meanwhile, take care of yourself. Be well.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,493 Member

    Well, JK I wish you the best and I am hoping for maybe an easy surgery and a light follow-up with rads, or maybe no follow-up rads. If just surgery alone that would be great. But you don't know yet and I can imagine you are on pins and needles. One good thing is that you have a TORs surgeon who has completely searched your treatment and history records and knows your case and it is going before a tumor board. You should have the best decision for your situation with your case going before a board of seasoned cancer treatment professionals.

    Again-Wishing You the Best

    Prayers your way-Take Care God Bless-Russ