Lower Anterior Resection Syndrome

Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
edited April 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I just found out that the interesting bowel habits I have had since my surgery back in 2012, has a name - Lower Anterior Resection Syndrome.

Why did my Oncologist or Radiation Oncologist not tell me that before? It has always just been a side effect, and now I have a name for it. Somehow, it makes me feel good, to be able to put a name to it. I know, I'm weird.

Here is a web page I found. https://colorectalsurgery.wustl.edu/patient-care/low-anterior-resection-syndrome/

I check all the boxes; and look, it tells me what to do to help it get a little better. I know it will never be completely better, but better is better even if it is just a little better 😁.



  • airborne72
    airborne72 Member Posts: 303 Member


    You should get out more often. There's an acronym for everything. Even Covid has a "long haul" syndrome.

    I am the proud owner of two syndromes - LARS and FBSS (failed back surgery syndrome). In layman's terms that means I have both a sore butt and an aching back after surgical intervention.

    Keep checking and you may be surprised to find that you also now have a unique syndrome that describes your cardiac condition. On occasion I have one called INSFS (insufficient funds syndrome) but it varies.

    In my opinion I believe that the medical community attempts to simplify one's diagnosis by labeling it with a syndrome title - much like the political community has done with Democrat or Republican and blue or red.

    Hang tough Sue.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    The bills from my heart attack are piling up, so I am definitely suffering from INSFS - ha!

    I have many long-term side effects, but you know something, I am also celebrating EIGHT YEARS NED on Sunday. I can deal with them.

    I have wondered if my heart attack was caused by the chemo side effects, but my gut tells me it was caused by my overwhelming love of dairy - I do NOT do low fat anything, especially dairy. I have moved to Oat Milk and just whole milk on occasion, so I am making progress.

    Good to hear from you, Jim.


  • MandiePandie
    MandiePandie Member Posts: 109 Member

    I feel bad for not talking about LARS here before, I’m in a few support groups and often get mixed up with what I post and where. I was so worried about my father having it after his ileostomy was reversed because I knew at that point his tolerance for all the changes that cancer forced upon him was at an all time low; which was understandable of course. Luckily his bowels seem to have adjusted well but there is an entire support group for LARS on Facebook and it’s frequently a topic of discussion with tips and advice in the “reversals-ileostomy colostomy reversal discussion and support” group. I hope your better continues to get even better.