y90 is a complete load of crap

Tom M.
Tom M. Member Posts: 223 Member
edited April 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Yes that's true, the treatment stinks and it made me even worse. The tumor they went after increased in size and I even have some new tumors. I'm done with the fake promises of wonder drugs. The name of the game is money and they are raking it in.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Oh, Tom! I am so sorry to hear this. I am sorry that the news was not good.

    It really is a bit of a crap shoot - no pun intended. There are good Doctors out there, who truly have your health as their focus. And sadly, there are Doctors out there, who are getting kick backs, which motivate them to push a medication or treatment.

    Obviously, I am not saying your Doctor is one of them, but they are out there.

    I hope that a plan is in place, for you to move forward. Get rid of the one that is growing, knock down the new ones. Something, that gives you hope for a future.


  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member

    Sorry to hear that. I just came off a trial where for 5 months, I had to go in a minimum of once a week, had hospital stays and a couple of biopsies, had my thyroid destroyed, and the tumors grew a lot. So I feel that angst you are feeling right now. It is awful! Sorry you had to deal with this.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Anita, that sounds horrendous! I am so sorry you guys are suffering so much. I hope the good days make it all worth your while.


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member

    I'm sad to hear that treatment didn't deliver for either of you, Tom nor Abita, having your hopes and faith loaded into a plan/treatment and get nothing to hold onto out of it, sucks bigly. I wish you both can get to a place where you can find some hope for better results, and for small doses of happiness and peace in each day's existence. It's a lot to ask for, I know, but life really is only what we perceive, what we tell ourselves, and what we can get from the present, from the moment. Being human is such a double-edged thing, the consciousness that can reflect on beauty and bring joy just thinking about a good time, can also torment, and turn fear into an echo chamber, intruding on every other moment. I wish you both the strength to focus on the good stuff, and to block the bad noise that threatens anyone's quality of life, at whatever level it finds you....................................Dave

  • SnapDragon2
    SnapDragon2 Member Posts: 720 Member

    I have been reading about Y90 lately. Not to promising. Read an article where it only had 10% good outcomes.

    File those lawsuits. Hold these people accountable for not giving the full information about the treatment.

  • StonedCamaro
    StonedCamaro Member Posts: 38 Member

    Sorry it was crap!

    Cancer is crap and treatments are confusing, contraversial and costly!

    Wishing you better days ahead. Enjoy the enjoyable and Forget the rest;0)

    We are all waiting in the same line.

  • MandiePandie
    MandiePandie Member Posts: 109 Member

    I’m so sorry the treatment didn’t work. How disheartening it must be to have had hopes dashed like that. I hear patients so upset sometimes when their oncologist doesn’t offer them hope, even if it’s a long shot; but then of course the flip side of offering a hopeful spin on things means that they seem dishonest if things don’t turn out well. I hope the next option they give you works better.

  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member

    It's hard to cure a disease we don't really understand, and it seems despite all of our knowledge and science we still don't have a grasp on cancer. I'm sorry this didn't do it for you, but it is good that you can share your experience with others who come here looking for guidance.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Thinking of you all.


  • DanNH
    DanNH Member Posts: 186 Member

    Y-90 was not good for my wife. She had pretty bad abdominal pain following the treatment. I have no idea how effective it was. One of the tumors grew. Maybe more. Our issue may be follow up. The interventional radiologist didn’t do any follow up. No systemic treatments for more than 12 weeks. Is her on going abdominal pain a result of the Y-90? So disappointing…