Looking for guidance



  • Ross883
    Ross883 Member Posts: 11 Member

    No unfortunately not me I was born in the mid 90s

  • Ross883
    Ross883 Member Posts: 11 Member

    To everyone that has been able comment on this post, let alone read it I just wanted to give my updated version. I am currently on Day 4 (Thursday April 8th) out of a possible 7 day stay. I got admitted to Upstate hospital on Monday morning. From there I received a pick line so I am able to get all my chemo drugs through this way rather than multiple IVs. I have also received my g tube (feeding tube) to rebound my weight. Tuesday was my first night receiving the chemo drugs; Doxytalol, Cisplatin, and 5aflu (yes I know my spelling is wrong for all of them). I have had two minor set backs, one with nausea which was quickly taken care of and the other with some ear pain and doctors believed it was connected to the drug being administered at the time. Still able to walk on my own power which is great. Looking forward to getting back home and seeing my beautiful wife and wonderful son. Thank you guys again

    Michael Ross

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,452 Member

    Hello Michael and thanks for the update. Hang in there friend and the good folks at the hospital will get you straightened out and back home before you know it. What you are going through is not unusual, many of us have had to have a short hospital stay at one time or another in our cancer fight. I myself started treatment and was not in it too long when I got a swelled and infected parotid gland which is your saliva gland and a high fever and spent 6 days in the hospital to get that under control. So you now are set up with a PICC line and G-tube and those 2 options will make this a lot easier for you. I also know what an experience this is for you because like the rest of us you never imagined having to get medical devices like this but you will find them both a blessing in the long run and the good thing is they are only temporary. Glad you are still up and about and you will get back home here soon. You will soon get used to the G-tube and get some weight back on. If you can, eat all you can also. OK Michael I am adding you to my prayer list and trusting in your medical team and hospital to get you home soon. I will leave you with a pic that was on the wall at the cancer center where I get my follow-ups. I believe the nurses put it together. Keep us updated as you feel up to it and NEGU [Never Ever Give Up]

    Wishing you the best

    Take care-God Bless-Russ