What is it like living with stage 4 bladder cancer

rvezina Member Posts: 7 Member
edited April 2022 in Bladder Cancer #1

I had my bladder removed October 8, 2021. Everything looked great, no spread to the lymph nodes that were removed or the prostrate that was removed. Went back in 3 months for a CT Scan and it was found that the cancer spread to my lungs.

The doctor recommends immunotherapy because chemo didn’t work. Said I have about 10 months to live.

My questions are how bad is immunotherapyIs it worth it with low survival rates? And right now I feel great except more tired. When do I start feeling bad? Does it get worse and worse? How long can I keep doing things like traveling?

thank you in advance for any help.


  • barehead
    barehead Member Posts: 45 Member

    Based on your comments, you must have been at stage 2 or higher for chemo and bladder removal. At my six month checkups, they always include a lung x-ray, since that is one of the favorite targets for any tumors that migrate.

    You should obtain a copy of the pathology report from your bladder removal. It will have the stage and grade of the tumors found. Sadly, the higher the grade, the higher the opportunity for some tumor cells to migrate. That is a big reason that chemo is usually done before surgery, so that it will kill tumor cells throughout your body.

    That is a very tough diagnosis. As for immunotherapy, it is typically much less debilitating than chemo.

    Please go to the web site bcan.org for tremendous information from medical professionals on bladder cancer terms, treatments. Just about any question you have on bladder cancer should have an answer or a link to an answer there.

    You may also want to obtain a second opinion from a practitioner at an NCI Hospital, if you have not already done so.

    May you continue to be a bladder cancer warrior.

  • rvezina
    rvezina Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thank you.

    I appreciate the information.

    I had a biopsy on the nodules in my lungs n the outside chance they are not cancer. Should get results tomorrow.

    I will get a second opinion and I will check out the website you recommended .

  • danall
    danall Member Posts: 2 Member

    I am new to this as of my diagnosis yesterday.

    only question is when others say get a second opinion is that for an opinion of the cancer diagnosis or how the treatment is to proceed?

  • barehead
    barehead Member Posts: 45 Member

    Treatment is based on the biopsy results. Different stages have different treatment plans. This is why it is very important to have a copy of the pathology results of your biopsy. Treatment plans are reflected in the NCCN guidelines that you can find at bcan.org. You can have your biopsy results re-analyzed at an NCI hospital, as well as get a second opinion there. Essentially, it is a second opinion on the diagnosis and treatment.

  • rvezina
    rvezina Member Posts: 7 Member

    Yes the second opinion is for the treatment options.

  • danall
    danall Member Posts: 2 Member
