Microcalcifications post thyroidectomy

maryrglen Member Posts: 2 Member
edited April 2022 in Thyroid Cancer #1

I was diagnosed with PTC in March of 2021, did RAI in May 2021 and July 2021 with uptake only in the thyroid bed. Went in for a follow up US in December because my levels were still high with nothing significant to report. Just had an ultrasound last week that shows a 1 cm hypoechoic area with multiple macrocalcifications in the thyroid bed scar tissue but did not warrant a biopsy according to my surgeon.

Research shows macrocalcifications as concerning and I have another round of I-123 scheduled for mid April. Has anyone experienced this? I see some studies showing this is a potential met, but others showing it could be pyoderma gangrenosum or a version of some other autoimmune disease. I am looking for information on any mixture of the situation I've described. I am not anticipating any type of spiraling, but I want to be prepared should this potentially be worse than my surgeon wants to let on.


  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    Hi I don't have any knowledge of this issue but wanted to wish you all the best.

  • mamamia1962
    mamamia1962 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I don't have any knowledge either and do wish you all the best. My 22yo daughter was diagnosed with PTC yesterday and I'm reading everything to be prepared for the road ahead. Peace and blessings to you and all that are dealing with this.