Update on LitlCJdoll:

motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
edited March 2022 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Crystal asked me to share her story with her friends here on CSN.

She is currently in a Hospital, but may be going to Hospice, soon. She tells me that her lung issues make it very difficult for her to breathe.

It has been decided that any treatment for her new Cancer doesn't offer probable extension or quality of life.

As she's shared with our group, Crystal has been fighting serious health issues (beyond Cancer) for years now.

I know many of us love Crystal's incredible spirit and feisty personality, in the face of her challenges! Her strength is an inspiration to all of us, and a reminder to see the positive aspects of your situation, no matter how difficult it may seem!

I know she would welcome all good wishes and prayers.....

MG (aka Curt)


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited March 2022 #2

    Curt thanks so much for the update.

    It is with much sadness I read this but I know Crystal did not get here easily she fought every step of the way.

    She is without a doubt the strongest person I have ever known.

    Certainly an inspiration to us all she would not give cancer or her immune disease one inch of space and fought every step of the way.

    She wouldn't let any of her illnesses stand in the way of her enjoying life and living it to the fullest.

    For many on here, Crystal filled our hearts with hope and inspiration as we watched her struggles and as she overcame insurmountable obstacles, we would use that inspiration and say "I can too".

    To Crystal Thanks for being the one and only you and for being a blessing to so many people.

    She has shaped our community in ways that will live on beyond her, so thank you, Crystal.

    Crystal has used her experiences to help and touch so many others on here and this forum will certainly miss her presence.

    I will be praying for Crystal and her family.

    Take care-God Bless-Russ

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited March 2022 #3


    Crystal always speaks very highly of you, and I know this will mean a lot to her!

    Thank you for being the "rock" on here for your fellow survivors - we appreciate it!...


  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 121 Member

    Curt - thank you so very much for this update. Crystal has been in my thoughts every day. She's been fearless in facing adversity, clear-eyed and head-on. She's been unwilling to wallow in any self pity. Even from hospital beds she's taken time to share her vast medical knowledge and experience. I feel stronger just thinking of her. When I see beautiful cakes I will think of her.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member


    I know she will enjoy reading your beautiful reply! She got off the site, recently - but I'm going to see if I can get her back on. If she can't, I promise to forward your heart-felt message to her.

    Thank you!


  • Suez39
    Suez39 Member Posts: 165 Member

    Curt thank you for updating us on Crystal. She was one of the strongest women I know, never stopped fighting. Amazingly, she never had self pity, or got severely depressed. If that was me, I think I would be in a bad mental state, horribly sad.

    She has taught us to keep pushing forward, no matter how difficult the cancer issues or reoccurences can be. When I go by a bakery, I always think of her. I remember she said she loved to bake cookies and give them away to friends.

    I will be praying for her and her family.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited March 2022 #7


    She will appreciate your beautiful message - thank you for sharing!

    She loved baking, even though she couldn’t eat her goods, herself. She would share them with friends, family or her medical team - and enjoy watching their reactions to them!

    I know you and Crystal share many of the same challenges. You both strike me as extraordinarily strong fighters!

    I hope life is treating you and your loved ones as well as possible,


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member

    Very very sorry to read this, Curt, but I thank you for posting.

    Crystal has had a life of challenges so many people cannot even relate to, and is an example so many should aspire to emulate: remaining so strong and fearless in the face of adversity, and a woman who truly loved and stood by her husband to his unfortunate passing. I reckon she has earned everyone's respect as a "great woman."

    My ❤️goes out to her at this time with Prayers.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited March 2022 #9


    She will definitely appreciate your reply here, bud.

    You’re consistently one of the best, when it comes to stepping up, and providing support!

    Thank you so much for sharing your strength, along with your beautiful memories, here!


  • Stephie75
    Stephie75 Member Posts: 185 Member


    Let Crystal know that my thoughts are with her. Honestly, there was a disagreement and it was something I was protecting Suez over in the other thread. If I had never cared, I would have never replied in the first place to Crystal. I was devastated when I found out none of the treatments woud help.

    I honestly think that her health has affected a lot of us. It's not easy.

    This is a very sad thing to hear.

    Forgive me, Crystal. I do care.


  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited March 2022 #11


    Cancer is tough on all of us - and I’m glad we’re here to help one another through both the treatment and subsequent recovery processes!

    I’ve drawn a lot of strength and support from this group - and I’m sure Crystal has supplied and received it, too..

    Her message was always clear - no matter how challenging it gets, life offers joy, if you’re willing to look for it!.

    Thanks - and have a great evening, Steph!


  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,034 Member


    Thank you for posting the update on Crystal. I read it yesterday and could not think of any perfect words to post. Thinking now, I still do not. I often state in the Chatroom, "Once here , You are Family, we lean on each other, vent when needed and laugh when we can". It is very true in the Discussion Board as well.

    Sending Prayers for Crystal and her Family.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited March 2022 #13


    Well, as a Navy E5 , I often struggle with the right words, myself. A survivor like Crystal deserves our best - and I think you delivered it perfectly!

    I feel all the strength and support you share on here - and Crystal would certainly agree, you’re one of our finest!

    So, I’ll share a Semper Fi with you, Jarhead ... even though Navy “Squids” don’t typically do that!..

    Thank you ... for ALL of your service!..


  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member

    Wow. I'm absent for a while and I come back to this sad new. 😔

    I will add Crystal to my thoughts and prayers.


  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member


    I was thinking I hadn't seen you here in a while. I send Crystal a note every day - and hear from her a couple times a week.

    Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers! I will share your message with her, this morning.

    I hope life is treating you well, bud....


  • Dave705
    Dave705 Member Posts: 62 Member

    Been awhile since I have been here. Read all of Crystals threads. Many prayers go out to her in this tough time. Dave

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member


    Hey bud, good to see you on here, again!

    Crystal will be pleased to see your support. She told me that she is home now - looking into an "in-home" care option. She updates me a couple times a week.

    I always appreciate our e-mail updates, and it looks like we've both been very fortunate, so far. I hope retirement is still treating you well.


  • Dagney1924
    Dagney1924 Member Posts: 30 Member

    I don't visit this site often and after seeing this update, I read her past posts. She has gone through so much and has been so strong, she inspired me. Please tell her I am praying for her comfort.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member


    I will gladly forward your message to her, to make sure she doesn't miss it - but she IS back on here, and you can respond directly to her, if you would prefer that. (She started a new Discussion, recently...)

    You have a beautiful message, and I'm sure she will really appreciate it!

    Thank you,
