6 week follow-up appointment after hysterectomy

misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

I was very worried that my doctor would say something wasn't looking right or healing right but she checked my incisions and said the worst looking one wasn't infected, just inflamed. She removed my one little stitch from the incision above my belly button and that looks a lot better. She did a quick pelvic exam and said those internal stitches are holding well and everything looks good. She said I did still have a little old, brown discharge so I have to wait one more week then we can have sex again lol. I can bathe now and she said I can slowly start picking up more weight. She said just listen to my body and go slow. I go back September 21 for an ultrasound and if everything looks good my next appointment will be 6 months after that. She said the risk of ovarian cancer is very low.

The nurse who saw me before the doctor did was such a sweet lady. I had never met her before but she told me she had to have a hysterectomy 12 years ago and she talked to me about fostering kids and she said she could tell we'd be great parents because we had so much love between us and she could tell I had a great husband. When we left even the receptionists clapped for us when we said we didn't have to be back for 6 months. At that place you are family and you matter to everyone. I still can't get over just the atmosphere there. Doctors greeting patients by name, asking how things are going, actually caring about them as a person. We see people in the hotel who were there before and they ask about us and everyone is always so supportive.

I feel like I am a little more relaxed now that the first appointment is over and I know things are healing right. Now I just want to be completely healed and enjoy life a little more.


  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Missy T,

    Your check up was good and I am happy to hear you are feeling more relaxed now. A September follow-up and then 6 month appointment is wonderful news indeed!

    Our Foster Care system in America could use a loving couple like you and your husband. Perhaps after you get the house settled and find good new homes for your two dogs, you can start foster parent classes. I am sorry for all the heartbreak you have endured thus far. Better days are on the horizon.


  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    It's always a relief when a follow-up exam goes well and I'm happy to hear that yours did too. After a rocky start with other medical services, it's great that you were able to find a treatment center that was such a good fit for you.

    Now that this period of diagnosis and treatment is behind you, I hope that you and your husband can move forward with your house plans and other delayed matters. I know that you've been wanting to go back to work too, so I hope that you can find something suitable soon (or when you can finally start wearing regular pants instead of leggings again!).

  • yetti
    yetti Member Posts: 82 Member

    Hi Missy Are you still with CTCA. I go in July now. I have been changed to every 6 months now , I’ll go to CTCA in July and Jan ! I just got my port removed yesterday. It wasn’t allowing blood return ! That’s one more step forward toward my normal! I’ll be NED 3 years April 18,2022 , I hope your healing continues and glad you didn’t need further treatment,! 🙏🙏🙏❤️ LoL Yetti

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    It's so great to hear that you are healing up, and wow, only every six months. Thank goodness you didn't wait one more month. You really dodged a bullet there, Missy T!

    Super excited to continue to hear about your upward and onward trajectory.
