I think I have kidney cancer

bearware67 Member Posts: 13 Member
edited September 2023 in Kidney Cancer #1

a few weeks ago I woke up with severe lower left abdominal pain. I almost passed out . Could not stand up and I was sweating profusely and felt like vomiting. It lasted about an hour after that my abdomen was tender. Three days later I went to the ER. They did a CT scan with contrast to rule out diverticulitis. The doctor came in and told me there is a 2.2 cm lesion on my right kidney. The paper work says indeterminate right upper pole renal lesion-possible Bosniak category 3. My MRI is in three days. I have constant right flank pain, no appetite and low back pain. Does this mean I have kidney cancer and they want to rule out stage 3? I’m confused and was hoping to get clarification. I’m 54 y/o/f I have to say Im emotionally a hot mess. I don’t want to be around anyone and I can’t concentrate.


  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    Bearware so sorry you are having these issues. I think the next step will be to see a urologist if you haven't already? They should be able to answer your questions. We all have been in this waiting place and not knowing anything for sure. It's not easy. I wish you all the best going forward.

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    Until you have a biopsy or surgery with pathology, you won't know. A lot of urological surgeons who are experienced with kidney cancer can make an educated guess from seeing the scan. I'm one of many people who had a much larger growth (7 cm, upper pole, which is still stage 1 when not invasive) with absolutely no symptoms. Most kidney cancers are found incidentally when the patient is being scanned for something else. The only time I had pain and vomiting like yours was when I had a tiny kidney stone many years ago.

  • bearware67
    bearware67 Member Posts: 13 Member

    The ER doctor ordered an MRI and said to go see my primary doctor to set it up. I have not seen a urologist yet. I did go back to the ER because the pain in my abdomen settled on my right flank and lower back. They did another CT scan and confirmed that I need an MRI for the lesion . My blood work and urinalysis was normal. I’m concerned for many reasons but the one thing that nags at me is how specific they were being by writing on my paperwork rule out bosniak stage 3. Thank you for your response. I appreciate it.

  • bearware67
    bearware67 Member Posts: 13 Member

    They think mine is stage 3. I hope I will be alright.

  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    I’m stage 3 with a 4.0 cm tumor I’ve been cancer free for almost 2 years so try and relax until you know what you have if you have any question just ask will be thinking about you

  • Biner
    Biner Member Posts: 137 Member

    Hello i think you you're worried too early, without surgery or a biopsy, you can't tell it's cancer just from a ct or mri. Bosniak 3 is not a stage of cancer! This is the stage of a complex cyst, there may or may not be cancer in the cyst. There are many examples when, after removal of the tumor, it would not be cancer, even if it is much larger. Try not to worry too much yet, but wait for a competent explanation from a urologist, preferably an onco-urologist. Good luck to you

  • tgpath1
    tgpath1 Member Posts: 97 Member

    I agree with Biner. I would not worry yet...it sounds like they are trying to determine what type of cyst it is, and many cysts are benign. I also had no pain and I was stage 3 with 7.9 cm mass central in my kidney. It was found incidentally when I had blood in my urine but I had no pain or nausea. My left kidney was removed and I am one year out and cancer free. My urologist at Dana Farber told me that there is no reason that I won't live a very long life (I am 51). Even if they do say cancer, it's not a death sentence. It's devastating and scary, but treatable! Easier said than done but try not to worry until they actually say cancer. Good luck...I'm praying for you!

  • bearware67
    bearware67 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks. I have my MRI tomorrow so hopefully I will know more then, I guess?

    It’s hard to not worry because they literally wrote 2.2cm indeterminate right upper pole renal lesion- possible bosniak category 3. (Stage 3and 4 are statistically more often cancer. The bosniak system is used to classify Cystic masses of those that are more likely cancer and stage 3&4 are statistically more often cancer.)Then separately they wrote they also found bilateral renal cysts so it is nerve wracking because it’s obvious they know what they are looking at plus I have symptoms of which two incidents sent me to the ER. Everyone has different symptoms or none at all. I have had 2 CT scans with contrast by two different doctors and both say the same thing that I need an MRI as soon as possible. My MRI is tomorrow and I’m relieved about that. Bosniak stage 3 is not always cancer sure but the statistics are not good for stage 3 & 4. It is my understanding they want the MRI to see if it has spread and see how to remove it( that’s not good to need my kidney removed or partially removed so that’s concerning in and of it’s self and if it’s spread that’s really bad) . Biopsy are usually done after the tumor has been removed. So, there is a tun of reasons to be very concerned/ worried. Who wouldn’t be? I think all of these things because no one and I mean no one has given me a clear explanation as to what is going on and google sucks. I feel basically like if someone said “ hey, there is a land mine over there and you gotta go step on it. It could explode or it may not and who knows what you will be like after if the mine happens to explode . Oh, and you can’t step on the mine for two weeks. Here are some meds to hold you over in the meantime. So, yeah you guys are right I don’t know what’s going on specifically and neither do the doctors yet but I’m scared. Iv never been so scared before and that is saying a lot considering the job I have done for 20 years, which by the way has exposed me to heavy caustic chemicals that they are finding cause kidney cancer which just makes me more nervous. Hopefully you guys are right but man this sucks. Thank you for helping me and I’m glad you guys are doing well. I hope I do well too.

  • tgpath1
    tgpath1 Member Posts: 97 Member

    You are right...it's very scary and worse with no explanation. For me, the ER told me it was cancer based on my MRI in the ER. It was peak covid so I was there alone, nobody was allowed to come see me and beyond "you have cancer" they could not tell me more. It's devastating for sure....but take heart in the fact that many here have had partial or full nephrectomy and are cancer free and doing well. Cancer is scary but you're going to have it, kidney cancer is not a bad one to have. No chemo or radiation or even treatment in most cases (beyond the removal of the kidney). Spread is scary for sure...but that's a fear that you have even when they tell you they got it all...every scan gives you anxiety that they will find it somewhere else. You are correct that they don't typically biopsy until they remove the kidney, but they generally have a good idea before removal if it's cancer. My doc said only 5% of kidney masses end up not being cancer...but it's HIGHLY treatable and the survival rate is good! Don't google...it paints a bad picture that doctors say is outdated. Mine was stage 3 (no spread) and they gave me a great prognosis so please don't get hung up on stage. I know it's tough to wait but try to think positive and focus on all of the people that survived and are thriving with just one kidney. And no chemo or radiation for most...it's really scary but in the scheme of things, it could be far worse. Try to stay positive (it's hard to do but really does make a difference). And keep leaning on the people here...we have all been through it and came out the other side. The support system here is amazing and will hopefully help you feel a little better.

  • bearware67
    bearware67 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank you for your comment. I had my MRI this past Thursday and I called my doctors office to see if they got the results and they did but they close at noon on Friday’s so it was not reviewed by my doctor and I have to wait till Monday. I feel somewhat relieved that the MRI is over so now my doctors have two CT scans and an MRI all with and without contrast. I do have constant lower back pain and flank pain that is a dull ache and random sharp pains. It bothers my flank to sit down and my right flank looks like it’s swollen when I stand in front of a mirror. I also have no appitite and when I do eat I feel nauseous after so they gave me zofran which helps. How long after my MRI follow up will I have surgery if surgery is indicated do you know? I assume surgery is a strong possibility since they want to rule out bosniak stage 3 indeterminate lesion. I guess I just wonder if the surgery part happens fairly quickly once the doctors have a plan.

  • bearware67
    bearware67 Member Posts: 13 Member

    I also want to say that must have been so scary to go through all of that during Covid. I am sorry that happened to you. I was alone when I went to the ER and for my MRI. I’m glad you are better now. I’m glad I’ll be okay as well, hopefully. It’s hard for me to rationalize my situation because I simply don’t know. I’m trying to just stay in a holding pattern until I see my doctor and hear what they have to say about my results.

  • Tobi
    Tobi Member Posts: 63 Member

    Hi...I am sorry you are going through all of this. It can cause so much anxiety that it can be all consuming. Mine was solid and cystic but that wasn't noted until my pathology report. The hardest thing for me was how I had so much come at me in a short amount of time, it was over whelming. If it helps mine was 3.5 cm stage 1a grade 1 tumor. Pathology noted it was solid and cystic. My dr also told me that in cases like mine that the surgery is curative 99% of the time. Please keep us updated, I will ne sending good thoughts your way.

  • bearware67
    bearware67 Member Posts: 13 Member

    That’s great news! I hope mine is like that. I should find out my results today.

  • tgpath1
    tgpath1 Member Posts: 97 Member

    I think it will vary by doctor. I was diagnosed in the ER on 2/20, saw the urologist on 2/22 and had my surgery on 3/11. It does move pretty fast. They offered me a clinical trial that would have minimized risk of recurrence but it would have delayed my surgery by a month. Because I was stage 3, I didn't want to take the chance that it would metastasize while I was on the trial to so I declined. Interestingly, I never had an MRI prior to diagnosis, I was diagnosed by CT only.

  • bearware67
    bearware67 Member Posts: 13 Member

    I know, I’m not sure what’s going on . I was referred out to the cancer center and I have to take my results with me on CD.

  • bearware67
    bearware67 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Hello everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. I haven’t been on here since I had my partial nephrectomy April of 2022. I felt like a new person after surgery in regards to my energy level. I felt like I walked out of a fog a few weeks after surgery . I wanted to get as far away as I could emotionally from being told I had a bosniak grade 3 tumor that landed me a partial nephrectomy and my diagnosis as papillary renal cell carcinoma stage 1 grade 4 contained to the kidney . I did some drastic things after I healed. I quit my job and moved closer to family and went back to the job I loved most. Iv been doing follow up scans since the surgery. Three months after my surgery they found a 4 mm Nodule on my lower right lobe of my lung. No other findings in my body. The doctor said they will monitor the lesion on my lung with follow up scans. I was doing well until around October 2022 when my blood pressure sky rocketed and I had a hypertensive emergency and was placed on a third blood pressure medication that brought things under control. I now have several nodules on both my lungs and the one they we’re monitoring is now 6mm,I have one on my liver, one on my pancreas all 3 mm or less in size. I am bruising easily and some days I feel good and other days all my joints hurt and I’m tired. Two weeks ago I decided to go to the ER because my right flank was hurting for a week or two and I was feeling really full after hardly eating anything. I also felt like my stomach was bloated after eating and I had a constant nagging headache. They did a CT scan of abdomen with IV contrast and found a bosniak stage 2 tumor on left kidney that was not there at last scans. They found a small amount of acities as well. I was referred to a urologist who is sending me for MRI of abdomen which is next week. In the meantime I saw my oncologist who had a stat CT of abdomen, chest and pelvis with and without contrast. (The scans were two weeks apart). The oncologist scans do not mention the bosniak stage 2 lesion on left kidney or the acities or the 6 mm nodule or other nodule’s on my lungs or any other nodule’s on liver or pancreas and the report ends with all is well basically . I’m so confused. Does this happen? In the meantime iv decided to go to what I think is a better cancer center, Sloan Kettering because I don’t know what’s going on and I don’t feel confident with how I’m being evaluated thus far. My urologist works with the cancer center I’m switching to so I feel good about that. I’m at a loss as to what’s going on and I was hoping someone might have some insight on this type of situation.

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    edited September 2023 #18

    (I'll respond to you in your newer thread-)