5 Weeks post-hysterectomy

misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

Tomorrow marks 5 weeks since I had my surgery. Hopefully only a few more weeks or maybe sooner before all my restrictions are lifted. I see my doctor in Atlanta on the 23rd. Overall the last couple weeks I have felt pretty good. Not normal, but definitely better. I don't have much pain from what I'm guessing is my cuff, now my discomfort comes from muscles healing around the incisions. It just feels tender and at the end of the day I'm just ready to take my pants off lol. I love wearing leggings. I had never worn them before surgery. My bad looking incision looks better but hubby still thinks it looks infected. I was told not to put anything on it and to just watch it for signs of infection. It's just red around the incision, no fever, draining, etc.

I've been more active with taking care of the dogs and now I have rabbits so I am at the barn twice a day. The first week with hubby gone and I had to do it all I was very sore. Now I'm used to it but there are times I have to bend over, squat down, etc to get things done. The only thing I don't do yet is lift over 10lbs.

The hardest part of healing is just not being able to do things I need/want to do. Pain-wise, it isn't that bad once you get through the first week. I'm just glad I never have to do this again.


  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Well done, Missy T!

  • Tamlen
    Tamlen Member Posts: 343 Member

    Glad you're doing so well!

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 496 Member

    Congratulations on your 5-week post-surgery anniversary today! It sounds like things are moving at a good pace in the right direction for you! Keep up the good work. I see that you have dogs and rabbits, but I can't remember if you also have cats or not. If you would like one, do I have the perfect 13-year-old shelter cat for you! She was marketed as "well-behaved" when we got her 12 1/2 years ago, but nothing could be further from the truth. This morning, to keep her from knocking things off the kitchen table, I balled up a piece of paper and threw it to her. She caught it and proceeded to take it to her water bowl and drop it into the water. Then she immediately started drinking from the bowl, so I had to run over to the bowl to stop her, to make sure that she wasn't drinking dye and ink residue from the paper. Running to the bowl was no easy task, as I'm currently in PT for lower back issues, and running is currently only a distant memory!

    Continue to heal well.

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    Missy T, I hope your recovery continues to improve everyday. My doctor removed the listing restrictions about 5-6 weeks after surgery, but I didn't have any post-surgery issues.

    And, MoeKay, I've fostered a number of kittens over the years. Each of them had some quirk or another. I always disclose these to the potential adopters to make sure it's a good fit. So far, none of them have been returned, least of all for "false advertising!" Cats - gotta love 'em!

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Ha, ha--we have a lot of animal and bird lovers in this site! I would like to mention the observation that sometimes when people drive me crazy, my animals give me so much comfort.

    MoeKay, I loved your story of throwing the rolled up ball of paper "to" your cat. Not AT your cat, lol? Hope your back gets better soon.

    CMB, I bet you're a great foster mom for kitties. I have three cats, and love them so much.

  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    Wednesday I went to my local doctor after part of the scab came off the bad looking incision and yes, it's a little infected. My local doc prescribed me an antibiotic but now it has another scab that's ready to come off. I don't actually know if it's a scab or a plug of dried pus but it appears that underneath this scab is just going to be a little hole. The last thing I want is a complication or anything painful at this check up appointment on Wednesday so I'm scared to pull it off but I also think it might heal better if it's open??

    I've been doing more and have been a lot more sore and uncomfortable at night, plus I have still been having coughing fits, which makes my muscles feel so sore. But now the two incisions that healed first and look really good seem to have a lot more pain around them, like deeper in the muscle. Sometimes I'm so sore that it hurts my stomach muscles just drawing a deep breath. I still have stitches above my belly button but the top part of that incision has healed up nicely, the stitches are at the bottom edge. On all my healed incisions I have a small scab or piece of skin at the very end of the incision and my best looking incision is completely closed but feels like one big bump.

    Since my surgery 5 weeks ago I've not stopped coughing, still have a lot of phlegm, have been on 2 different antibiotics so far. My energy level is still about 80% but I think depression and lack of things to do is playing a big part on that.

  • TeamT
    TeamT Member Posts: 30 Member

    Hi misstaylor84,

    It actually sounds like you’re doing a great job. Don’t feel like you need to be 100% right away. And I know that 5 weeks doesn’t feel like right away to you, but 5 or 7 weeks is not going to matter in the long run. You’ve been proactive with your local doctor and I can’t imagine you’re G/O will be disappointed.

    Even with laparoscopic surgery, coughing is the worst. Nothing like reminding you that EVERYTHING is connected to your abdomen. I had my hysterectomy in Jan 2021 and for quite awhile, every time I sat up to get out of bed, I felt like my remaining organs were just tumbling around looking for a home. Very disconcerting.

    I’m a little late to this party, so I don’t know if I’m answering any of your questions. But, it seems like you’re doing everything right.

    Best of luck and keep us posted,


  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    Thank you Ginny. Yes, for the first week or two I had that same feeling whenever I stood up. It felt like my insides were falling down lol. Very odd feeling and the pressure/pain down low where I'm guessing the vaginal cuff is was pretty bad too. Thankfully I don't feel that anymore but at first, just getting in and out of the car or standing and sitting made me feel like that cuff was just going to bust open. But if I take a wrong step and jar myself I definitely feel it and am reminded I'm not completely healed yet so take it easy lol. I'm just antsy to get back to doing whatever I want lol. I have a whole list of things that need to be done.