New here. Got CT scan. Suspicious RCC.

Alygirl Member Posts: 8 Member
edited March 2022 in Kidney Cancer #1

I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with my abdomen CT scan results. I got my results back from Touchstone today. My doctor is on vacation for 2 weeks and I don’t have an appointment with him until March 29th.

I had my first CT scan 10 years ago on my spine. That’s when they first discovered a my kidney cyst. I’ve been getting CT scans over the years to watch it.

Recently my PCP referred me to a nephrologist and urologist because of lab work results and my chronic kidney disease stage 3. My GFR and creatinine are better, CBC is normal and calcium a little high.

The abdomen CT scan w/wo contrast results I just received show I have a new enhancing 1.6 cm renal mass in the upper pole of my left kidney that is suspicious for RCC. I also have a non-enhancing 6.4 cm simple cyst on the lower pole of my left kidney that has grown over the years. Lung bases are clear. Esophagus and aorta are unremarkable. Portal veins patent. No adrenal mass.

I tried doing a search on RCC, but completely overwhelmed with everything I’m reading. Makes me sick to my stomach not knowing what’s going on, treatment, staging, survival rates, etc.


  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    Well the 1.6 cm mass is good they found it early survival rates are high I’m stage 3 they found a4.1 cm mass in me it’s been almost two years ago I just get scans every three months I think you will be fine just get rid of that mass stay off google if you have questions ask them here

  • Alygirl
    Alygirl Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thank you for your note and for sharing your journey with me. I’m so glad you’re doing well. Were you diagnosed with RCC? Was your partial nephrectomy minimally invasive or open? How long were you in the hospital and what was your recovery like?

  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    It was a open surgery I was in hospital for four days was home a week then went back to work office job it was rcc that I have recovery after the first couple of days wasn’t bad have a pillow handy it relives the pain

  • Alygirl
    Alygirl Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thank you! What determines whether you have an open procedure? How are you feeling now? Did you have any difficulty having surgery during Covid?

  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    No because of where the tumor was they wanted to do a partial and the surgeon wanted his hands on it that’s why I had a open

  • Tobi
    Tobi Member Posts: 63 Member

    Mine was 3.5cm, I had my entire right kidney removed via hand assisted laparoscopic surgery. Was in the hospital 4 days. Mine ended up being stage 1a and grade 1 clear cell RCC, Dr told me 99% chance the surgery was curative and I will most likely never have a reoccurrence. Hope that helps your anxiety some.

  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    I feel great now like nothing ever happen I use to worry about cancer every day not now I live my life not going to let cancer run my life

  • Alygirl
    Alygirl Member Posts: 8 Member

    That is wonderful news! I have chronic kidney ideas stage 3, so I worry about partial vs full kidney removal.

  • Tobi
    Tobi Member Posts: 63 Member

    Yeah I couldn't get a partial because mine was growing dead center of my kidney, it's why they removed the whole thing.

  • Alygirl
    Alygirl Member Posts: 8 Member

    That’s good. I’ve been sick to my stomach and can’t sleep since I got the report. I’m really trying to stay busy so I don’t worry so much. I don’t want it to consume my life.

  • tgpath1
    tgpath1 Member Posts: 97 Member

    Mine was 7.9 cm stage 3 RCC. I had a radically nephrectomy laproscopically (sheer size, they couldn't do a partial). I was in the hospital overnight and then sent home. I stayed out of work for 4 weeks (doctor actually said 6 but I felt well enough after four to return). No other treatment needed. I am one year out and cancer free. Google is great for a lot of things, but not this. It scared the hell out of I rely on the people here and I'm much calmer! It took me about a full year to get to the point that I don't think about cancer much anymore. When my scans come up, I get nervous but I'm back to living life just like I was before my diagnosis.

  • bramrebello
    bramrebello Member Posts: 25 Member

    I had a 3cm RCC tumor removed by RPN in November 2020 that was diagnosed as T1a with grade 3 and was in hospital for 4days and back home on the 5th day. Was up and running after 10days. I have been having my quarterly scans and x-rays since then and recently during my last follow up in November 2021 I was advised to half yearly follow ups since nothing of significance was observed. I can understand the anxiety but please seek answers on this forum as I have always found the right replies because we in this forum are or have suffered one way or the other and you get the right guidance.

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    Mine was also on top of my left kidney, but 7 cm, so just barely still stage 1. I had a full nephrectomy in 2018, only in the hospital one night, and recovery wasn't too bad - I was doing slow hikes on short park trails the next week and I'm not even a hiker.

  • Alygirl
    Alygirl Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thanks so much for your support and words of encouragement. It’s nice to connect with others who can uplift, inspire and share experiences.