Two Bits of News

Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

Oh, my....I've got two positive pieces of news!

  1. I've been accepted as a contributing writer for "Crow's Feet," which is an online magazine that publishes on Medium, a great website I belong to with articles from thousands of writers. This is a wonderful thing, as I had routinely written and had articles published before cancer, and then I only wanted to roll into a ball and write here, although now I'm also producing a newsletter (yes, all the writing, sigh), for a community service organization. Anyway, I'll share when I write things!
  2. I raced (in rain, standing water, and icky driving conditions) to get home from the Oregon coast today. I raced cautiously, mind you. I got home in time to get some black slacks and a gray sweater on, with a sporty little scarf and some clogs. I got "doctor dressy" in other words, in order to have my flagship appointment with my NEW FEMALE gyn oncologist! She's Greatttttttttttttt!
  3. She examined me thoroughly, as they do (grimace), but it was over fast and I'm still NED! I will be checked every three months until July 2023, and if I'm still all clear, I can then go to every six months, but step by step!

Do you think every three months is a lot? Do they ever check more often than that?? I think I used to be checked every two months, but it's all a little fuzzy. Anyway, it's all good news!


  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member
    edited March 2022 #2


    Good News? That is FANTASTIC news!!!!!

    Three month and NED and you really like your new female gyn onc!!! And a thorough exam. Yah!

    I go every three months for two years as high risk, then transition to every 6 months. I get scans every six months now. The future maybe yearly. I feel confident with that plan but should any symptoms arise, I will call for an immediate appointment. You bet!

    I am going to look up Crow's Feet. Anywhere you can get your voice out there is wonderful and I want to read your stuff. Congrats!

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    I joined Medium a LONG time ago, as it's a very cool site for readers and writers. Seriously, if you enjoy reading, there's so much there, and it's also fun to write and publish essays (I'm that weirdo, ha!). Crow's Feet is also on FB, and they are an amazing publication devoted to aging! Such a fun diverse, huge community of people writing! I love reading the essays there, and look forward to publishing with them. Sigh!

    Okay, so my "classification" (back to cancer chitty chatty now) is "high intermediate risk" of recurrence. This is owing to the LVSI and Myometrial invasion number of 83%.

    I actually feel lucky, as I know I could have just kept a pluggin' away for months and not even realized I had a problem. At least I got in before my little boat completely capsized.

    XXOO Deb 2

  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    That is great news Deb! Having a doctor you like definitely helps a lot and that's awesome about the writing! I also write and find it has helped for me to keep a cancer journal.

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member


    GREAT NEWS!!?‼️‼️‼️

    I will look up the website! I come from a long line of writer’s and journalists, but I’ve never done anything “professionally!” I’m so happy for you!

    And the great checkup! Congrats! Whew! Relief! I was told every 3 months for 2 years, then every six months up until 5 years. Once a year after that, I think?

    ❤️, Alicia

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    It is really great to write! I'm so glad we share that, Missy!

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Thx for sharing what you have to do for your timeline, and by the way...I don't think the site is just for people who write (ha ha, or try to write) professionally! I am sure that you'll be intrigued by what you see on Crow's Feet. They're great people!

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member


    I went for checkup exams every three months for the first two years. Third year was every four months and years four and five are every six months. The doctor just told me that once I have the last six-month checkup in September, I'll be on an annual schedule (assuming nothing goes awry).

    I don't get CT-scans on a regular basis, only when I report some type of symptoms. So I've had them occasionally when odd stuff has popped up.

    Glad that you're working with a doctor you like. That makes it easier to go along with the exam schedule.

    And congrats on the news that you've been accepted as a contributing writer for "Crow's Feet." I know that writing is very important to you and it will be great to have a regular outlet for your work.

    I've always done a lot of writing, but mine is the more prosaic type – lots of consultant reports about data research findings and recommendations. Important for the work, but not the most scintillating reads!

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Thanks for sharing your checkup info, CMB!

    I am amazed that September will be the beginning of annual checkups for you. That is so fantastic. It must feel like a marathon to have spent time for nearly five years. I must say, it's so hard for me to ever feel happy about any of this. Even relief is hard for me. I'm okay with just a resignation, rather than heart-pounding dread. I know you understand.

    My new doctor has a very good reputation, and is a compassionate person. I think most doctors struggle with finding the right balance of "science specialist" and "listener." They are busy, and have to get their work done with you and get to the next patient. I found that our thirty-minute visit was productive but also telling in how our relationship would work. She did not pull any punches, and we had a chat about recurrences---which I appreciate, although I don't want one.

    She also encouraged me to get on it and get better about using the dilators. I am horrible about sticking to any kind of schedule.

    Thank you, CMB <3

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member

    Hi Deb2,

    Happy to hear all your good news! Congratulations on your great checkup and your new writing "job." I'm also glad that you really like your new gynecologic oncologist. That is such an important relationship. For the first year post-treatment, I saw my gyn oncologist every three months. I believe the second and third years it was every four months, and then starting with the fourth year, we moved to a six month regimen until the completion of year five. At that point, my gyn-onc gave me the option of coming once or twice a year. I stuck with the twice a year schedule until he retired fifteen years after my diagnosis.

    I hope you're celebrating all the good news this weekend!

    Stay well,


  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Thank you for sharing your information. I appreciate knowing! Celebrating....well.

    Hmmm. I am kind of maxed on taxes for hours on end. I'm a Kiwanis member, and do the newsletter so wrote and edited about eight articles for that newsletter yesterday! Band practice was last night. That was fun, but one of my band members isn't well and looks like he could die at any moment. Kind of scary.

    But! I'm feeling positive, and am no longer sure I'm fostering (think Aliens!) a something inside me that could devour me in seconds. I'm (sort of?) celebrating!

    And I love my group here. I always zip to the computer to check in on my posse. Love all you ladies!

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    Congrats! Can you post the link to the website or FB group?

  • TeamT
    TeamT Member Posts: 30 Member

    I do not think every 3 months is too often, I'd go in every week if they'd let!!!

  • TeamT
    TeamT Member Posts: 30 Member

    Oh, and congratulations of the FANTASTIC NEWS!!! 😉🤗