Just Feeling a Bit Emotional Tonight

Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

I want to be positive. I want to help other women. I want to know the good, the bad, the ugly. If you get really ill, I won't leave. I just want to say that I know most of you are the same. I'm not afraid of getting too close to people. If I like you, I like you. Same with love.

Because cancer is such a nasty little witch-with-a-B, we never really know how things are going to happen. One of the wise women in this site recently mentioned that some ladies with seemingly easier diagnosis did poorly, while some with scarier numbers were cruising along just fine, for years. We just can't know.

All that said, I just wanted to mention that I have a big appointment in about a week. I'm not all that excited about it, but I'll get through it. Sending hugs to all of my friends.

Deb 2


  • Tamlen
    Tamlen Member Posts: 343 Member

    Hugging you right back, Deb. We do never really know what's going to happen, in life or with cancer. Learning to live with a new uncertainty was certainly one of the things cancer made me grapple with and it was hard. Please let us know how things went with your big appointment when it comes around. We're here for you.


  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    I’m hugging you, too, Deb2

    I think a lot of us are feeling sad this week. It has occurred to me more than once how amazing it is that we can become so close and attached to each other here, yet we come from very different places and we’ve never met! And yet it makes perfect sense when you think of the fact that we share very intimate details of our lives and health.

    I just went through the checkup business a few weeks ago. It brings on a lot of anxiety. I dreaded it for at least two weeks. And not for any reason! But it’s hard going back to that office! Yes, I’m extremely grateful to return as a survivor, but the memories that come back are hard to bear.

    I just tried to think of it as another thing I had to do. Put one foot in front of the other. This is a process and we just have to keep plowing through it! We are here for you!

    ⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️, Alicia

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    edited March 2022 #6

    Deb2, hang in there and hugs dear one. I often think of the Dr. Sidney Freedman line from M*A*S*H: "Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice." Praying for you on your upcoming appointment. NoTime

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member

    Hi Deb2,

    Wishing you all the best at your upcoming appointment! These appointments are such a mixed blessing; you can't live with them, and you can't live without them. Of course, they are a necessary evil, but so stressful nonetheless. I recall the first several years post-diagnosis as being such an emotional roller coaster!!


  • Fridays Child
    Fridays Child Member Posts: 281 Member

    Best of luck at your appointment! I had mine a few weeks ago and was nervous, even now.

  • Bake22
    Bake22 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hi Deb2! Wishing you the best! I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and I completely understand the emotional roller coaster when it comes to yearly screenings and appointments. I have been clear 4 years now and I still battle everyday with "why me". I'm a first time poster and it is nice to read all the comments by everyone on here and just how much they care! I'm glad I found this thread because it helps me so much when I am feeling down and out!

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member


    Good luck and my thoughts are with you.



  • Bake22
    Bake22 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you! I struggle every day and please keep us updated with your appointment!! Wishing the best for you!!

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    You are precious. Is it physical, emotional, or both? I care deeply. I appreciate your kindness.

  • Bake22
    Bake22 Member Posts: 4 Member

    It’s a lot of emotional for me. Just lean on loved ones!! We’re here as well!

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Bake22 and Suzsweet,

    You are welcome here. We are a warm & supportive group, arent we? I love that about us!

  • Bake22
    Bake22 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you!! Appreciate everyone here!

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member


    ❤️❤️❤️, A