Bladder and Urinary Tract Cancers Patient Education Event (Virtual, March 5, 2022)

SCCA Member Posts: 1 Member
edited July 2022 in Bladder Cancer #1


  • callingonmyangels
    callingonmyangels Member Posts: 3 Member

    New to this group. My husband (55) has stage 4 bladder cancer. We’ve done chemo, currently on immunotherapy, and considering proton radiation. It’s been a year since we started treatment. We have 2 young boys (9 and 7). Trying to stay hopeful. Any survivors out there I’m the same stage that can share hope?

  • barehead
    barehead Member Posts: 45 Member

    Am a survivor, but while I lost my bladder, it was caught before it progressed to stage 4 (beyond the bladder).

    If you have not already done so, go to the web site It has tremendous info on treatments, outcomes, research, etc. From reading it, several stage 4 survivors have done all three of the treatment options you have mentioned.

    I sought a second opinion and treatment at a NCI hospital, and very glad that I did. They have access to most treatment forms as well as many clinical trials.

    There is always hope, unless you give up. Continue your fight, although it gets hard at times.